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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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you can be sure that only half of the doorstaff will be badged ,the doormen in this city have an underground racket of internet badge copies and thats come from an old hand at the game ,he says its only a case of supplying details of an out of town doormans details with your photo and its done in 7 days


Do u actually know any doormen in town, i know quite a few and i can guarantee they all have genuine badges

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you can be sure that only half of the doorstaff will be badged ,the doormen in this city have an underground racket of internet badge copies and thats come from an old hand at the game ,he says its only a case of supplying details of an out of town doormans details with your photo and its done in 7 days


What a load of rubbish.

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Do u actually know any doormen in town, i know quite a few and i can guarantee they all have genuine badges


glad you said quite a few as for sure all dont have them and if you take the trouble to ask red robbo he will confirm that there are regular prosecutions of staff with false badges or even no badges.

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Do u actually know any doormen in town, i know quite a few and i can guarantee they all have genuine badges


The ones with badges do tend to have genuine badges. I do know of a few who were put through a course by a certain bar owner though, and asked to fill in test in pencil, so answers could be edited.


They also tend to have the older bouncers, who can't get a badge these days due to criminal history, who will walk around the bars 'working undercover' ready to jump in to sort out any trouble.

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Its not a easy job working the doors,I did it for 5 yrs and I can tell you that the doormen have to take a lot of <REMOVED> that customers dont always see,and I know some of the doormen at that pub and they are a good set of lads who are very professional.


Which is fair enough. But what the OP said about the headbutting, if true, is disgraceful. It only takes one innocuous blow to the head for someone to have a haemmorraghe, and he'd have been up on a murder/manslaughter charge.

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Do u actually know any doormen in town, i know quite a few and i can guarantee they all have genuine badges


You don't know them all though, do you?


I got into an argument a few years ago with those on the door at Common Room/Forum. I didn't like their attitude or conduct and wanted to complain, and asked for their ID badge numbers. Quicker than you could blink they covered 'em up and refused to give them, one in particular kicked off big style and wanted to beat me up, only being held back by his boss.


Very professional.


I know a couple of bouncers and they are indeed respectful and good at their job. One of them has just had his broken jaw wired shut after being attacked. Which stresses the difficulty of the job they do.

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I can completely understand this thread.


Doormen in Sheffield have stopped me going out in town now.

I'm 35, married etc have never been into trouble but also been into busy nightlife and clubbing.

Last november 2 of my wife's friend were visiting from London and we went out in town, early on in the evening we went to an 80's bar on West street, spent 20 mins queuing outside despite being able to see plenty of room inside, when we got to the front of the queue, i was told i couldn't enter, because i had a coat on, i asked if the doorman was joking 'it's minus 2' i said to him as he stood in front of me with the biggest overcoat in the world on. he said no and asked me to moved away from the the door. how embarrassing, we hadn't lived in Sheffield long and the 2 friends had been sold a great night out in Sheffield - how wrong i was. there were policemen nearby too. whilst they didn't want to act on my behave with reasoning with the doorman i got the impression it wasn't first time something ridiculous had happened there.


I go to the Sheff View now and haven't been near the city centre since, i've even travelled to my home town of Stoke for a night out rather than going out in sheffield. Stoke ain't the best of nights out but at least the doormen have common sense.


Shame on you Sheffield Doormen.


Chris W


I think I know which bar you're on about, my mate had the same problem but one of the doormen took his coat and saved it in the back.

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You need to look at Sheffield City Council website and download the Statement of Licensing Policy.


I refer you to Part 2 Risk Assessment and Operating Schedules and page 46 imposing conditions on a licence.


The policy explains about the 4 main objectives of the licensing laws and how the operating schedule must mitigate for any potential problems which may occur if the licence is granted. The applicant must put in place a series of solutions, laid down in the operating schedule.


A licence can be review at anytime (usually by request of the police after an incident), and conditions can be added. The conditions are individual to each premise which is why you don’t always find door staff, toilet attendants etc at all pubs/clubs or on all nights.


Non of which supports your claim that,by law, a venue cannot open without door staff.

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