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Disgusted at doormans behaviour

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Report it to whoever licenses the doormen. It used to be Sheffield Council licensing but I think it's been handed over to some national body. I'm sure the council can give you a contact email or phone number though.


Weatherspoons can probably be forced to reveal which company they employ to handle their security and that company be investigated on how they expect their employees to behave. Maybe even retrain their personnel.


This sort of behaviour from doorstaff is supposed to have been trained out of them. It's not necessary.


Did you make a note of the police's badge numbers during your conversation with them?


What you are wanting is SIA licencing (I think) for the doormen - the shoulder (officer) numbers to complan. However you can always complain with a date, time, place and them from above must investigate.


Hope this helps.

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So sad that some door men still use their position to get away with uncontrolled violent behaviour. Even if the lad was dealing drugs while waving a carving knife it does not explain why he would need to be head butted by doormen while already restrained. I am married to a doorman and my dad retired from the position only a few years ago, i understand the pressure they are under but this behaviour from the cowardous few give the good ones a bad name

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  • 1 month later...
That just about sums it up, doormen are beefed up out of control thicko's.


I am a head doorman, I also have a masters degree, some doorman like any other occupation breach company policies and the guidance and training given. In all walks of life you find that people don't adhere to the rules that does not mean that all doorman are the same!


It is down to the duty manager of the licenced premises and security company to resolve issues and concerns.


Not all doorman are thugs or thicko's, but actually able to assist client in manage there behaviour and/or keep you safe while in licensed premises. That included in the city!

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you can be sure that only half of the doorstaff will be badged ,the doormen in this city have an underground racket of internet badge copies and thats come from an old hand at the game ,he says its only a case of supplying details of an out of town doormans details with your photo and its done in 7 days


SIA and Police operate a checking process on SIA door badges, next time you in a queue look at the badge that will be clearly displayed. It also has an electronic chip.


Photos have to be verified and you also have to provide evidence such as passports ect. Providing a photo will not get your licensed.


One other note to make, any person working the doors without his badge will face a ban, and very large fine.

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the doormen at rawsons in hilsbro are ridiculas, i know some of them as they worked at the blue ball in hilsbro before when i worked there. they think they can do what they want because they have a badge, which isnt correct. i have a badge but dont do the doors so i know what they can and cant do and they cant commit any sort off assualt not even to defend them selfs. they can only restrain but not assualt. The people you need to report them to is the sia licencing place. you need the doormans badge numbers which means asking them for it, and even though by law they have to have there badge with them while working and cannot refuse to give it you, most of them will refuse so if they do, you can get a police officer to go with you and if they then refuse they can be arrested. you can also report them to the local council and they can get in contact with the sia licencing. my mate and his brother was beaten up by the doormen there because his brother was talking to my mate went and poked him in the back and told him to hurry up so the doormen dragged them out of the back door and beat them both up, and used a choke hold which is now illegal, and it was caught on rawsons camera at the back and the doormen are all been prosecuted that were involved.

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the doormen at rawsons in hilsbro are ridiculas, i know some of them as they worked at the blue ball in hilsbro before when i worked there. they think they can do what they want because they have a badge, which isnt correct. i have a badge but dont do the doors so i know what they can and cant do and they cant commit any sort off assualt not even to defend them selfs. they can only restrain but not assualt. The people you need to report them to is the sia licencing place. you need the doormans badge numbers which means asking them for it, and even though by law they have to have there badge with them while working and cannot refuse to give it you, most of them will refuse so if they do, you can get a police officer to go with you and if they then refuse they can be arrested. you can also report them to the local council and they can get in contact with the sia licencing. my mate and his brother was beaten up by the doormen there because his brother was talking to my mate went and poked him in the back and told him to hurry up so the doormen dragged them out of the back door and beat them both up, and used a choke hold which is now illegal, and it was caught on rawsons camera at the back and the doormen are all been prosecuted that were involved.
As i've said earlier in the thread the pub/club has a signing in book where the doorstaff have to sign in using thier names and SIA numbers, so there is no need to to try and put yourself in danger trying to get thier badge numbers, just go into the pub/club the next day and request it from the manager.

Is one of the ex blue ball bouncer the black guy with the london accent, ifso i hope he's one of the ones getting prosecuted, in my personal opinion he's a toerag and acts like a powermad thug but then goes to his day job at the careers place behind argos in town trying to help you find a job lol.

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It was awful I felt sorry for the lad as I didnt see him kicking off in the pub,I appreciate sometimes they have a job to do but surely without been so brutal?? from where i was there was no way he deserved headbutting as he couldnt defend himself,maybe if he was then they would have had to defend themselves and others but that was just random violence.


Flash back to 70s style bouncers’. Apart from a few honourable acceptations, that is how it was.

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we once went to club xs and got accused of not being gay enough, thing is there was about twenty of us who were going to spend about thirty quid apiece, so if they can afford to turn away that kind of business then I think the manager could have done with hearing about it really, but then club policy is policy .....like you can afford to turn it down lol

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