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Is / have the white working class becoming more benefit dependant?

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Something the change to the benefits system is supposed to end.


Free healthcare when unemployed, but no sick pay, and prescription charges for workers.


A lot of low wage workers are unhealthy due to working poverty. Under labour, working poverty rose.


The person serving you a burger can't afford the dentist,

I could be wrong, but someone on minimum wage will still receive benefits, do they not then qualify for free health treatment?


You can, but you're right, not working should be less pleasant than even the most poorly paid work.


Your last point is right, but the way to do that is to make work more attractive and better paid, not as the current administration is doing by making the poor poorer or by saving £billions off benefit payments, in many cases from people who's health makes them unemployable.

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What a great way to start a thread talking about the normalisation of the benefit culture, with a quick dig at Guardian readers and a bit of gentle racism. :roll:

I don't think that long term benefit claimants of whatever generation can be called Working Class. The clue is in the name, you'd have to work to be working class. I don't think the colour of the people involved is relevant at all, why should this be an issue for the White Working Class and not just the Working Class?


Where's the racism? Are Guardianists now defined as a race?


And why is it a dig, it's like saying I'm insulting the EDL for stating it seems absurd for them to believe most Muslims are actually commendable law abiding citizens and have brought lots of prosperity to the UK, even my dog could work that one out.


We've a growing alienated white population becoming more ghettoised, more reliant on benefits, more disconnected from the world of work and more disenfranchised, hence why a larger underclass is spawned more rapidly in the traditional white working class communities.


I'd have thought this would've been very obvious why it's deemed more of an issue for the white working class.

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As for your other points in total agreement. The OP doesn't include a question just a statement loaded with a hint of racism and a snipe at Guardian readers. A classic troll for someone on a day they are finding boring.


WTF? I've heard it all now! Asking forumers why the white working class communities are becoming more reliant on benefits is not a serious question? And then you call me a bored racist troll? It's blatantly yourself trolling here.

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they are addicted because they have been brain washed they are entitled to state hand outs. kids these days are too snobby to work in a factory even when they have no qualifications to their name. most's long term plans are to win the lottery, become a footballer or marry one. its very sad.


Are some white people becoming more selfish and stupid?


I agree it is a huge problem and I don't know what the answers are, but whilst BME's bring benefits to the UK, Whitey claims more benefits in the UK.

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WTF? I've heard it all now! Asking forumers why the white working class communities are becoming more reliant on benefits is not a serious question? And then you call me a bored racist troll? It's blatantly yourself trolling here.


People are generally on benefits because they are either in low paid employment; unemployed; carers or pensioners.

There you are.

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People are generally on benefits because they are either in low paid employment; unemployed; carers or pensioners.


There you are.


Well yes thanks for stating the obvious, but why is it disproportionately higher and rising amongst certain groups cultures in relation to others?

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I live in a country where there is no social welfare so people do what they can to earn a living.

People do anything and everything rather than starve.

Way too many fit and able people in the UK don't care about work because they can get their beer money from the dole.

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Where's the racism? Are Guardianists now defined as a race?


WWC's are also being brought up in 'normalised' workless 2nd / 3rd generation sink estates with a 'normalised' huge dependency on benefits.

The singling out of white (as a corolory of race) is the subtle racism.


And why is it a dig,

Crazy question maybe your first impression especially if your a Guardianst and worships everything BME,

You don't think that's a dig? Really, you think it won't offend anyone who reads the Guardian to be stereotyped as worshiping everything BME? You know it's an insult, that's why you said it. The subtle racism is here again as you feel the need to mention minorities.

You could have started the whole thread without reference to the guardian or skin colour at all, you might have been taken more seriously if you had.


We've a growing alienated white population becoming more ghettoised, more reliant on benefits, more disconnected from the world of work and more disenfranchised, hence why a larger underclass is spawned more rapidly in the traditional white working class communities.

Do we? Any numbers to back that up about the long term unemployed/never employed and whether they're white or not?


I'd have thought this would've been very obvious why it's deemed more of an issue for the white working class.

No, I can't see that it's obvious at all why skin colour matters to this discussion, can you explain?

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Why is that the way to do it? Says who? We need an economy that works, not some sort of socialist dream.


The alternatives take us back to the grinding pre-war poverty suffered by the majority. By my definition of a working economy that by definition doesn't.


The solution is simple, the minimum wage should be around £8-9 hour at least. Wages haven fallen in real terms over the last 30 years at the expense of corporate profits.... the casualties in this are the poor for whom working no longer pays the bills and all of us on reduced wages. Make working attractive is the solution and rebalancing the value of work. If when the impact of this is modeled this would cost our economy in other ways then we find ways to mitigate with subsidies businesses or services we need. Not such a big deal we routinely do that in other areas of social benefit.

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