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Is / have the white working class becoming more benefit dependant?

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I'd blame them, but frankly not taking that work should make them worse off.


Nobody can afford education? You mean they squandered their education by not trying, probably because their parents didn't encourage them. But that isn't everyone else's fault and we shouldn't have to pay to keep them.

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Obviously not the same ones as you.


If you want to talk about a white minority being more reliant on benefits than other ethnicities then that's fine. But that wasn't the thread you started, nor am I aware of any evidence to suggest that you'd be right.


Yes it is very clear, the clue is in the title, I would of thought even those of limited intellect would understand the jist of the thread, and there is mountains of evidence to suggest white working classes are now at a distinct disadvantage, it's just that right on self righteous Guardinaists choose to ignore it.

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I remember this from University. If unemployment was 0% nobody would be able to expand because there would be nobody to fill vacancies, also wages would go through the roof because people would be able to name their price when going for a job which would in turn cause inflation, stifle business and hurt the economy.


Which is why our Government (Lib Lab or Con) allows mass immigration.


Excess of labour driving its price down and those that are working pay taxes to finance the surplus labour.


In essence the Government not only kicks you up the <REMOVED> but charges you a premium for <REMOVED> kickers.

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But the government also allows mass emigration.


And it has happened, too.


I don't suppose for one moment that many of the people who emigrated so far during this century were unmotivated, uneducated, unskilled or unemployable.


Nor (I suspect) were most of those who immigrated.


The reason for a lack of unskilled work is a surplus of unskilled, uneducated people under-qualified to do it.


Given that (according to government figures) over 40% of school children leave school without the (supposedly) minimum acceptable qualification to get a half-decent job (5 GCSEs at grade 'C' or above, including English Language and Mathematics) is it surprising that there are so many people out of work?

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