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If you have not read this document you should.





Its 15 pages long and it gives an idea of what the USA is capable of when it comes to treating its own citizens like idiots in order to go to war!



Every war is a shortage of words and therefore the result of bad communication..


A battle is good for personal growth but a war is destruction without any reason or purpose! (The article makes this clear)

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The US is a bit of an odd place. They're one of the few countries that have used armed troops to shoot it's workers on strike and black people for daring to want the same rights as everyone else.

Since they invaded Hawaii, they've invaded more countries than any other power in the history of the world.

They are avid fighters of terrorism but hide terrorists who attack countries they don't like.

They love freedom and democracy but keep corrupt dictators in power when it suits.

They fight for the safety of the Libyan people against the naughty government but don't give a flying crap about the thousands being killed in Zimbabwe because there isn't enough oil to make them care.

That and most of the country is made up of fat gobbed tossers like the daft git I met in London who told me the royal Bentley parked in Chinatown wasn't much of a car.


Other than that, the US is a fine place if you happen to be an American Idiot.

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I cannot believe how many DUMBED DOWN puppets there are here!! (People who believe whatever the govt says AND DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS.... They think the govt wouldnt ever hurt anyone,I FEEL SO BAD FOR THESE PEOPLE!!)


If everyone knew how bad things really were,it would maybe wake them up but i doubt it!!


Food is under major attack here,harmful things being added to make people sick,etc.... ITS ALL QUITE SAD AND DISGUSTING and im ashamed to be living here to be honest with you!


I do not like what this country is doing AND HAS DONE to the world but i feel powerless to do anything.. (I am not a puppet though :))

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Actually the majority of Americans I speak with challenge EVERYTHING (I can use caps lock) their government says and are not happy with the constant state of being the saviours of the world (I am using that term in a sarcastic way before every daily mail reader gets excited.) Stop giving the Yanks a hard time, yes there are some idiots there but have you stuck your head out of your arse lately? You might notice that this country has it's share of prats and gullable fools. There are fools in every country and it somtimes seems that in this country they flock to this forum to parrot the daily mail rubbish and hate anyone different and deflect negativity to save them looking at their own dull lives in order to blame someone somewhere for living a pitiful life.


stick that up your bum and smoke it

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