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TV license for static caravan

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We have a static caravan but no licence. I actually checked with the TV Licence Authority and THEY advised me I didn't need one as long as I wasn't using both TV's (the one at home and the one at the caravan) at the same time - so we've never had one for the caravan since buying the caravan in 2006.

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It's quite simple .........

If you have a static caravan / touring caravan / or a tent..you do not need a seperate licence as long as you don't have some one at home also watching TV.


Letting a static for a few weeks, and providing a TV for them to view, whilst you are watching at home is outside the rules.

This applies to family or friends using your caravan for no charge.


Policing it is a different matter.....

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Easy then. Disconnect the aerial and detune the set. That way the licence nazis can come as many times as they like and you can suggest sex and travel on every occasion.There is sod all they can do about a set that is incapable of receiving a transmitted signal regardless of what they tell you.

They tried it on with me several times and got an "offski" tablet every time.

As for the letters, wipe your arse on them and send them back.



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Obviously I cant say what I want to say because it probably breaks Forum rules, but those who enforce the TV License are NOT from the Police or the Government, but from a company called Capita. These "enforcement officials" have no right to enter your property, and despite what they say have no legal right to speak to you. They may use the term "interview under caution" however this is a load of bull's droppings and you can just close the door in their face.


I hope the above helps you make an informed decision as to whether to renew the license next year. A quick Internet search will bring up various sites, unfortunately I am probably not allowed to link to them, PM me if you want details.


for the first time i agree with the hand:)

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My auntie had just taken the keys for a new house a few years ago. I went up with her to have a clean up.


TV licensing bloke knocked at door, demanding to search for a TV as he was getting signals from the empty house. There was absolutely no furniture in there at all, but he insisted on coming in and looking in all cupboards and in the loft for a TV.


They are just ridiculous sometimes

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My auntie had just taken the keys for a new house a few years ago. I went up with her to have a clean up.


TV licensing bloke knocked at door, demanding to search for a TV as he was getting signals from the empty house. There was absolutely no furniture in there at all, but he insisted on coming in and looking in all cupboards and in the loft for a TV.


They are just ridiculous sometimes


You could ahve just told him to sod off and be done with it of course. You are aware that the hand held meters that they have don't actually do anything at all and are just to frighten people into thinking they can detect stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Still having fun dealing with the TV licensing authority.

I rang them and they confirmed I did not need a license,so I cancelled the direct debit,and got a refund of £34 for the quarter not used.

I asked if I could get a refund for the 2 years that I have had an unnecessary license and the guy said he would send me a form to be completed.

I received this and also another letter in the next post noting that I no longer had a separate license at the caravan and listing the penalties.

Sent the form back,and got another letter to say no refund as I had not provided sufficient proof that the home and caravan license were not used simultaneously,although I had stated that only my wife and myself live at this address,and if we go to the caravan it is together.

So I rang again through there 20 option automated system and asked what proof was required. I was told to get a letter from the caravan site confirming that we did not let it.

This I did and got a letter from customer services to say this was not sufficient proof.

There was a reference on the letter,a telephone number and a guys name in customer services.

Thought the number was a direct line,but no,back through the automated system,had a Barney with the operative,was passed on to a manager.

No sense there,so asked to speak to the person who signed the letter.

"we are not allowed to do that" she said,but promised to get someone from that department to call me back as a matter of urgency.

Never got a call so I have now sent another letter telling them what a shower of --- they are.

I could stand being told that I have no chance of getting my £300 back ( not happy about it),but being told that I can get a refund,and then being subjected to their obstructive tactics is getting my goat.

The fight will go on ,as a hobby if nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!

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