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Torment Of The Century

old tup

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As I was growing a bit older around 10 yrs old maybe a little older I had the unwelcome task of looking after my siblings.I had twin sisters[both little mardy arses]and my little brother the biggest of the lot!,anyway my only pleasure in the job was to torment them on a regular basis.One of my favourites was in the winter time ,I had to wait for my sisters after school to escort them along Club Mill Lane to our cottage at Owlerton, It was pitch black before we got halfway,they allways dawdled and got on my nerves so I would get well ahead of them and hide.I could hear them calling me,I kept silent until they were near then I made ghostly noises until they were terrified and crying,I would then leap out scareing them agaiin.Another one of my favourites was when our old lass went shopping and the old man was at work she would say[Look after the house and the kids and behave thisen or I,ll tell the fathere]All right Ma I will]no chance.No sooner she was out of sight I had em stood to attention ,I got pops strop that he leathered me with and I walked up and down the line pulling faces till one of em laughed I

made whoever put their hand out and whacked em .Then I would throw everthing all over the place and make em tidy up,after a while I tired of this so I said[i want a drink of water from the kitchen]one offered to bring it to me but I said no I wanted carrying into the kitchen.They all got on their hands and knees I laid on their backs and was carried there and back!.Of course it all went back to dad who gave me a little therapy with his belt but it was worth it it passed the time.My sisters told their kids who thought it was hillarious.I think I was a horrid little sod dont you?.

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As I was growing a bit older around 10 yrs old maybe a little older I had the unwelcome task of looking after my siblings.I had twin sisters[both little mardy arses]and my little brother the biggest of the lot!,anyway my only pleasure in the job was to torment them on a regular basis.One of my favourites was in the winter time ,I had to wait for my sisters after school to escort them along Club Mill Lane to our cottage at Owlerton, It was pitch black before we got halfway,they allways dawdled and got on my nerves so I would get well ahead of them and hide.I could hear them calling me,I kept silent until they were near then I made ghostly noises until they were terrified and crying,I would then leap out scareing them agaiin.Another one of my favourites was when our old lass went shopping and the old man was at work she would say[Look after the house and the kids and behave thisen or I,ll tell the fathere]All right Ma I will]no chance.No sooner she was out of sight I had em stood to attention ,I got pops strop that he leathered me with and I walked up and down the line pulling faces till one of em laughed I

made whoever put their hand out and whacked em .Then I would throw everthing all over the place and make em tidy up,after a while I tired of this so I said[i want a drink of water from the kitchen]one offered to bring it to me but I said no I wanted carrying into the kitchen.They all got on their hands and knees I laid on their backs and was carried there and back!.Of course it all went back to dad who gave me a little therapy with his belt but it was worth it it passed the time.My sisters told their kids who thought it was hillarious.I think I was a horrid little sod dont you?.



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I think we all abused our 'power' as the older sibling from time to time! I used to like to torment my little brother with the naughty boys home story when I was babysitting for him as youngsters! I once even packed his Crayola suitcase with his favorite teddy bear, clean undies and (for extra effect) a family photo, then I pretended to phone the naughty boys home up to come and collect him!

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How is young stumpy these days? :hihi:
he's still as daft as ever crookesey,lost his eye when he was about 9 years oldthrowing darts into the fence,he got fed up of fetching them so tied string to them and the inevitable happened and i got the blame even though i wasnt around :)
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Old Tup

My life as kid was a bit different to yours,I was an only child no brothers or sisters to play with,I was brought up in New Zealand as a kid, my Dad was a massive hulking bloke who was a Sargent major in the black watch,my mum was a little God fearing Scottish woman who could not cook for peanuts, my best friend was a Moire lad called Tukie, we had some fab time fishing and hunting for birds eggs no traffic to worry about an idiolect life for a kid ,There was this girl who was a bit should we say flerty, she was a bit older than me at the time to,and one thing led to another and you get the picture all innocent fun you understand,the next thing I'm sat having my bread and jam sandwiches for tea when there's a knock on the door and its the girls father saying your Tommys been messing about with my daughter, what are you going to do about it he said to my Dad?leave him to me Il'e sort him out he said as he slammed the door in his face,a felling of forebode came over me as he reached up to the top shelf were all the pots and pans were kept,and got hold of the big frying pan,my mum shouts out for God sake your not going to hit the boy with that are you?!! don't be silly woman he said! I'm going to cook the lad some bacon and eggs poor sod cant go manking on bread and jam!:hihi:

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cant argue with you mate,i used to get my brother to hold PENIES between his fingers while i shot them out of his hand with my air rifle :D


I hope thats a typo of pennies and not the other option :hihi: :hihi:

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