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Dangerous cyclists

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You're ability to quote seems to be greater than your ability to understand.


You seem to interpret "be aware of traffic coming up behind you" as meaning that traffic behind has priority. Your interpretation is incorrect. It means what it says. If it meant "cyclists must stop and allow other vehicles to pass before moving out to pass an obstacle such as a parked vehicle" then that is what it would say.


Moving out within a lane is not the same thing as changing lanes, but some motorists draw invisible lanes in their mind when they see a cyclist and insist that a cyclist must stay within their incorrectly assigned phantom "lane"


Of course cyclists should indicate their intention. Of course cyclists should look and be aware of vehicles behind. Not least because there are poor drivers who apply their own false interpretations of the Highway Code to justify substandard driving and attempts to dominate other legal road users.


You seem to be of the opinion that cars are the only true road users and anyone else is a "guest" and should defer to the car in all instances. I've had people try to tell me that to pull out within my lane that I should pull in to the kerb and stop, wait until the road is clear, then proceed. The particular person that ranted this was insistent on overtaking me on the opposite side of the road as I was turning right after signalling for a good 5 seconds previously.


Your attitude and flawed interpretation of the HC is very reminiscent of that thuggish, impatient and incompetent driver.

You seem to have a vivid inmagination totaly out of touch with what you have read.

This section seems beyond your understanding:-

•look all around before moving away from the kerb, turning or manoeuvring, to make sure it is safe to do so. Give a clear signal to show other road users what you intend to do (see 'Signals to other road users')

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Bassman is clearly a baffoon and I'm surprised people are even entertaining him. A forum discussion will never change someone like his opinion.

You sound like a cyclist who is completely out of place and unsafe on the public highway.

Have you ever read the Highway code? i douby it or I wouldn't be having to post sections of it for uneducated peoople like you to read.

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That isn't my attitude at all. I signal on my bike as I do in my car as directed by the highway code.

It isn't necessary to signal to stay in your lane and pass an obstruction, and even when using the other lane it isn't always necessary.

Cyclists should be cycling as near to the kerd as is safe to do so, this is well within the width of most parked vehicles that is why the highway code says:-


•look all around before moving away from the kerb, turning or manoeuvring, to make sure it is safe to do so. Give a clear signal to show other road users what you intend to do (see 'Signals to other road users')


This also applys to cyclists who think motorists should nursemaid them.



On the right. If you are turning right, check the traffic to ensure it is safe, then signal and move to the centre of the road. Wait until there is a safe gap in the oncoming traffic and give a final look before completing the turn. It may be safer to wait on the left until there is a safe gap or to dismount and push your cycle across the road.


One idiot cyclist cut across two lanes on th dual carriageway approaching the Meadowhead island without signaling his intention to turn right, was I supposed to anticipate this ? I suppose the idiots on here think so as they want everyone who drives a car to think for cyclists.

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You still don't understand what you keep repeating. The trouble is that everyone else does and it makes you look a bit daft.

I understand the Highway code it seems that it not convieneint for those on here who think others should make allowances for stupity shown by cyclists.

Which part of this are you having difficulty understanding?


•look all around before moving away from the kerb, turning or manoeuvring, to make sure it is safe to do so. Give a clear signal to show other road users what you intend to do (see 'Signals to other road users')


Or this:-

•look well ahead for obstructions in the road, such as drains, pot-holes and parked vehicles so that you do not have to swerve suddenly to avoid them. Give a clear signal to show other road users what you intend to do (see 'Signals to other road users')

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You still don't understand what you are quoting. Cyclists are not required or expected to signal every time they deviate course slightly.


Incidentally, a safe distance from the kerb is about a metre to a metre and a half under normal riding conditions and more when passing parked vehicles or narrow sections.

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You still don't understand what you are quoting. Cyclists are not required or expected to signal every time they deviate course slightly.


Incidentally, a safe distance from the kerb is about a metre to a metre and a half under normal riding conditions and more when passing parked vehicles or narrow sections.


Why not? Car drivers have to, it's called letting other road users know what you are doing or do you think we can read your mind?


A metre and a half when two of you are side me side is almost 10 feet. So cars should drive on opposite carriageway or wait behind two numptys doing 5 miles an hour because they can't get past. Drivers, unlike cyclists can also get prosecuted for driving too slowly:roll::roll:

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You still don't understand what you are quoting. Cyclists are not required or expected to signal every time they deviate course slightly.

Incidentally, a safe distance from the kerb is about a metre to a metre and a half under normal riding conditions and more when passing parked vehicles or narrow sections.


Can you quote from the Highway Code please? Or are you reading from the 'Idiots Guide To Cycling'?

BTW Are you a road user? I hope not, if so you should carry a health warning, Has your vehicle got hazard sign on it? yellow and black stripes :hihi::loopy::hihi::loopy:

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