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Dangerous cyclists

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Why is it dangerous, are you not capable of a) seeing a bike, b) not running into it?
Just as you are a car going the wrong way, how come its always cyclists who need looking out for, is it because they're stupid and therefore you should expect them to do stupid things?
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Just as you are a car going the wrong way, how come its always cyclists who need looking out for, is it because they're stupid and therefore you should expect them to do stupid things?


No, its not just cyclists who need looking out for, we should all look out for ALL other road users. It just happens that pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, motorcyclists, children etc are particularly vulnerable.

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Are there signs sating that it is contra flow?

Signs aren't the only thing that indicate whether things are legal. e.g. Roads with street lights but no other indication of speed limits have a limit of 30 mph.


If drivers can't tell that a red strip on one side of the road with a solid white edge is a contraflow cycle lane they have inadequate observation skills and/or understanding of road markings to be considered safe drivers.

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If drivers can't tell that a red strip on one side of the road with a solid white edge is a contraflow cycle lane they have inadequate observation skills and/or understanding of road markings to be considered safe drivers.


They don't need to in any of the cases mentioned above as they all have signs.


You raise an interesting point, though.


Anybody know what is the "official" requirement with regard to ensuring one knows the meaning of signs / indications introduced after one passed one's test?


I'm straight on 'tinternet any time I see a new road thing but that's, simply, because I don't like not knowing stuff.


I wonder what the standard reaction of the closed minded is to a new marking ... I would suspect, given the responses of the two antagonists above, that they just don't notice it.

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Hypothetical question. (not aimed at anyone in particular - just to allow people to review their own attitudes)


You are driving down a one way street when a cyclist comes the other way.


What do you think?


What do you do?


Do you think:

That person is an idiot, who deserves to die?

That person is an idiot who is trying to hurt me?

Oh, I wonder if this road allows a cycle to contraflow, I'd better check?

Oh, somebody coming the other way - I'd better make sure I don't hit them?

or what else?


Do you:

block their way and tell them they are a danger to other road users?

shout at them as you pass?

drive very close to them to show them how risky it is to be on the road?

drive at them and force them out of your way?

post on Sheffield Forum to let everyone know how antisocial cyclists are?

safely drive past them, as you would with any other road user you came across?

just carry on as normal, because you never saw the cyclist? :D

or what else?

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Are there signs sating that it is contra flow?


I provided you with the street view link. If you weren't so busy trying to look silly you might have noticed them.


I hope that you are more observant when in control of a motor vehicle


I passed another such contra-flow today walking to the pub on the way from work. They are quite common. It's amazing how many drivers are ignorant of their presence.


They are also quite sensible - with a road wide enough for 2 cars to pass if empty but the demand for parking being as it is, these are often roads that have been given over to parking on both sides, thus made one way as it is not possible for 2 large cars to pass, however, with slow speeds and traffic calming they are plenty wide enough for a car and cycle to pass safely.


Or in the case of Brunswick Street, made one-way because of idiots in cars tearing up and down rat-running causing a danger and a nuisance to local residents. Bicycles not posing the same danger and nuisance as cars, a contra-flow was introduced to make it quite okay for cycles to continue their safe and legal passage without being inconvenienced by the anti-social actions of some motorists.

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