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Dangerous cyclists

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actually b) is wrong, they are making a manoeuvre, they are passing a parked vehicle, so my original statement stands, as its the correct thing to do!!


Your original statement doesn't actually answer the question that was asked though. You may as well state that you prefer to eat your toast with margarine for all the relevance it had to the question.

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I'm not interested maybes I'm only interested in the officialy stated scenarios.


Do you want me to post the Highway Code section so that you and your crony won't have to make up stories.


Stories? Have you completely lost the plot? :loopy:

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well i would be on the left, all the parked cars are on the right so at tht point i have ight of way, however further down there is a parked car on the left so i would ensure its safe to pull out to pass it before i made the pass, thats the point im making about cyclists making sure its safe to pass, tho by the looks of the last 5 pages, this point seems to escape you, the only thing i can think is that you are neither a car or cyclist, or i hope you are not!!:loopy:

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Dawny 1970 sensible enough not to answer a loaded question in the manner you require.


Then you can try this one that keeps getting asked.


Why is a cyclist dangerous if they don't look behind them?

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well i would be on the left, all the parked cars are on the right so at tht point i have ight of way, however further down there is a parked car on the left so i would ensure its safe to pull out to pass it before i made the pass, thats the point im making about cyclists making sure its safe to pass, tho by the looks of the last 5 pages, this point seems to escape you, the only thing i can think is that you are neither a car or cyclist, or i hope you are not!!:loopy:


Why might it not be safe to pull out? A cyclist can see what's parked in front of them so what's dangerous about going around the parked car?


Might there be a Chechen freedom fighter hiding behind it looking for a hostage?

Or perhaps a hungry alligator underneath the parked car?

Surely there isn't an invisible worm hole to another dimension?

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Why might it not be safe to pull out? A cyclist can see what's parked in front of them so what's dangerous about going around the parked car?


Nothing if you signal your intentions to do so and also having first looked behind you to see it is safe to pull out as instructed by the Highway code.

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Guest sibon
Nothing if you signal your intentions to do so and also having first looked behind you to see it is safe to pull out as instructed by the Highway code.


But it should be safe to pull out anyway, if all the other road users are following the highway code.


So, it isn't really worth getting so worked up about it.

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Is there a moderator around? Don't know about anyone else but this is going round in circles. Neither Dawny or Bassman seem to want to answer direct questions to issues that they themselves have brought up in a week and over 600 posts, many of which have said the same thing.


I vote we give either of them 24 hrs to show some backbone and have the guts to answer the following unloaded questions, they've been asked enough times. If a moderator agrees then go ahead and close it after the specified time limit.


1. Why is a cyclist dangerous if they don't look behind them or signal when passing a parked car?


2. In the scenario that dawny or bassman are bearing down on a cyclist who is approaching a parked car, and that cyclist has neither looked nor indicated, nor is going to during the subsequent events, what will be dawny or bassman's prediction of the cyclist's course of action?


3. How does making a cyclist take a proficiency test improve the road skills of a colour blind, non-english speaking person visiting this country?

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