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Dangerous cyclists

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Just for the record, you can be travelling with the flow of traffic but still be faced with incoming traffic. Which you have to keep your eyes on.

yes, as with ALL vehicles, thats why motorcyclists and cars are fitted with wing mirrows to check its safe behind before making a maneuver

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You do understand that changing position could well mean going around a pothole? To either side of it. So you'd be driving up the road indicating left and right constantly. You'd be a menace.

More seriously, if he indicates whilst approaching a car that someone had parked opposite a junction, he'd be indicating right as he approached the junction - misleading other road users into thinking he was intending to turn rather than go straight ahead.

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Guest sibon
cyclists are not cycling into oncoming traffic if they are on the correct side of the road, they are cycling WITH the flow of traffic, so your statement is fundamentally flawed, so i would suggest you check the highway code!


Hi Dawny. I think that if you examine your statement closely, you will find that it is incorrect. No change there, then.


Do you signal every time you pass a cyclist or a parked vehicle when driving your car?

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how many times to i have to say it before you understand???, i gave you an answer as to the course that the cyclist should take, like i said before and i will say it again, just because it doesn't fit into your narrow frame of mind does NOT make my answer any less valid, now please accept my answer and move on, if thats at all possible with you:loopy:


No you didn't. You invented a new question and answered that.


At no point have you actually described the course of the cyclist, only what you think they should do with their head and arms.

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More seriously, if he indicates whilst approaching a car that someone had parked opposite a junction, he'd be indicating right as he approached the junction - misleading other road users into thinking he was intending to turn rather than go straight ahead.


Indeed, I pointed that out about 10 pages ago, but he probably just claimed it was off topic. And with the number of cars parked on roads in Sheffield your indicator would never be off, making it meaningless.

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Me waffling? I don't really think so.


You have consistently applied a standard to cyclists on this thread that doesn't apply to motorists. I drive between 10 000 and 15 000 miles per year, have done for twenty five years. The number of drivers who signal as they pass a cyclist is minimal.


Bully for you, you'll be telling us you also drive a sports car next


Yet you expect every cyclist to take their eyes off the oncoming traffic to check whether you are behind them breaking the highway code by overtaking in an unsafe place. You then want them to signal to you that they are going to ride around a parked car, not crash into it.


I can only conclude that it is time that you sent your licence back to DVLA. You are not fit to be on the road

What another silly load of waffle now you're telling cyclists to ignore the Highway Code


Which part of the following do you advise cyclists to ignore?


look all around before moving away from the kerb, turning or manoeuvring, to make sure it is safe to do so. Give a clear signal to show other road users what you intend to do (see 'Signals to other road users')•look well ahead for obstructions in the road, such as drains, pot-holes and parked vehicles so that you do not have to swerve suddenly to avoid them. Leave plenty of room when passing parked vehicles and watch out for doors being opened or pedestrians stepping into your path

•be aware of traffic coming up behind you


But you're telling cyclists to ignore the above, Quite frankliy I feel you should carry a health warning or hazard signs when you're out on the road.

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