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Dangerous cyclists

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Originally Posted by dawny1970

yup, coz they a law unto themselves and make no indication as to their intentions, ergo the private members bill to ensure that they respect other road users as they should do!!!


mattleonard replied



That would make a whole lot of sense, except that your statement above and your attitude is completely opposite to the attitude of the member bringing the bill.


In your cyclist coloured blinkered world maybe so, but one or two of us see the wider picture than "I'm numpty a cyclist look out for me"

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We've tried (several of us) to keep this on topic but the Martini Cyclist Brigade (Anytime, Anywhere, Anyhow) try to turn everything round and go off topic and blame motorists for eveything cyclists do wrong.

Mention cycling stupidity and someone comes back about driving 50,000 miles a year in a car along with also driving a sports car.

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They should have to have insurance to use the roads

Agrred 101%.

They should also have to take a cycling profficienct test and pay road tax. If they did all three maybe they would be more responsible in their conduct on the public highway, as it is any Tom, Dick or Harriet can get on a bicycle and be let loose on the roads without ever having taken a test let alone read the HighWay Code.

No wonder they don't observe the simplest of commonsense logic if the are ignorant of the rules of the road.

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There's no specific law. You can still get manslaughter. Just like there's no specific law of "death by dangerous scuba-diving"

on such a serious subject, you have to make a silly comment like that:loopy:

ALL road users should be covered by the same laws, tho some on here will howl with protest

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