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Dangerous cyclists

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Even if it might be counterproductive?


so you think its ok to go at 30mph on a push bike with no protection at all??, thats why helmets for motorcycles were made law to protect the driver, why not for cyclists? after all, you look at the tour de france, ALL the cyclists wear a helmet, perhaps they know something you don't?

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so you think its ok to go at 30mph on a push bike with no protection at all??, thats why helmets for motorcycles were made law to protect the driver, why not for cyclists? after all, you look at the tour de france, ALL the cyclists wear a helmet, perhaps they know something you don't?

You don't think the circumstances of a cycle race where people ride very close together whilst jostling for position might be a little bit different to normal road cycling?


Drivers of cars in motor races wear helmets and fireproof clothing but people going to work don't.

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so you think its ok to go at 30mph on a push bike with no protection at all??, thats why helmets for motorcycles were made law to protect the driver, why not for cyclists? after all, you look at the tour de france, ALL the cyclists wear a helmet, perhaps they know something you don't?


Firstly, riders in the TDF wear helmets because the rules of cycle racing require it. They are regularly travelling at much faster than 30mph, in large racing groups. This is very different from ordinary cyclists on the road. Using your 'logic', car drivers ought to have to wear helmets because Grand Prix drivers do.

Motorcycles and cycles are very different, both in terms of typical range of speeds, and also the fact that the cyclist is required to work harder.

A cyclist is typically much more like a pedestrian than they are like a motorcyclist. Why don't you think pedestrians should wear helmets?

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You are blaming cyclists for being a danger to OTHERS and are using this as a reason for the cyclists to wear a helmet.


As far as whether cyclists should wear helmets - There is conflicting evidence regarding the benefits of compulsory cycle helmets. If you are really interested in the subject, and not just cyclist beating, there is a really good website - something like cyclehelmets.com. I don't know if that's the correct name, and I cant access it at present, to check. It is very impartial, openly discussing alternative views.

Bits I remember - that some overtaking drivers drive more closely when overtaking cyclists who are wearing helmets. The drivers perceive helmeted riders as being better protected so compensate by putting them at greater risk.

There is evidence from Australia that following the introduction of a cycle helmet law, it actually became more dangerous for cyclists than before. This was put down to a reduction in cyclists brought about by the new law meant that they were less common, and therefore more marginalised and less a 'normal part of traffic' in the eyes of some drivers.

Also, the helmets provide very limited protection - certainly much less than provided by a motorcycle helmet.


Well worth a google search for anyone considering whether helmets are really all they are cracked up to be.


Btw, I wear a helmet when cycling. On balance, I'm against compulsion.


It's http://www.cyclehelmets.org, but trolls probably won't read evidence that might challenge their opinions.


I also wear a helmet when cycling. If I break my neck instead of getting a head injury (or no/minimal injury) due to the altered forces acting on my head and neck, well, one less cyclist is no real loss to society are they :rolleyes:

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Jusr because your attention span doesn't cover the entire piece that was posted I'll post it again, in bold is the section that you've obviously chosen not to read, can't read that much at once, or tried to make a weak point stronger by selectively quoting


•look all around before moving away from the kerb, turning or manoeuvring, to make sure it is safe to do so. Give a clear signal to show other road users what you intend to do (see 'Signals to other road users')


Now have you managed to read it or was it too much of an effort?


I was responding principally to the matter of moving around parked cars, and the assumption that the cyclist will be sweeping into the middle of the road to do so. Of the three actions in the highlighted text, turning clearly isn't relevant to this and so i highlighted the first, moving away from the kerb. The third, manoeuvring, would also apply so I guess I could've left that in.


Just out of interest Bassman62 is your use of the public highway as the driver of a car / motor vehicle only, or have you at some point braved Sheffield streets (and hills) on a bike?

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its compulsory to wear seat belts, its compulsory to wear a helmet on a motorbike, why should the only other legal form of transport on the road a bike NOT be compulsory?
Because they're cyclists, the rules and the Highway Code don't apply to them, 'Anytime, Any place, Anyhow' (to the tune of the 'Martini' advert).
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Just out of interest Bassman62 is your use of the public highway as the driver of a car / motor vehicle only, or have you at some point braved Sheffield streets (and hills) on a bike?


I braved the streets of Sheffield on a bicycle when there were tramlines everywhere.

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It's http://www.cyclehelmets.org, but trolls probably won't read evidence that might challenge their opinions.


I also wear a helmet when cycling. If I break my neck instead of getting a head injury (or no/minimal injury) due to the altered forces acting on my head and neck, well, one less cyclist is no real loss to society are they :rolleyes:

Not if you're a 'Martini' Cyclist.
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It's http://www.cyclehelmets.org, but trolls probably won't read evidence that might challenge their opinions.


I also wear a helmet when cycling. If I break my neck instead of getting a head injury (or no/minimal injury) due to the altered forces acting on my head and neck, well, one less cyclist is no real loss to society are they :rolleyes:


Thanks. You never know, some people may take a little of this on board. Every little helps.

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