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Insurance Companies

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insurance ombudsman, sorry but its breach of contract, you paid your insurance, they didn't keep their end up, your bank statements will be proof of your cover, deal with this straight away, do NOT contact the insurance company again, let them deal with your insurance!!

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My car has been insured with LIVERPOOL VICTORIA who do not insure PERFORMANCE CARS!!!


Regardless of the confusion betrween a broker and an underwriter, the question that immediately comes to my mind is why is a broker, Performance Direct, who (presumably) finds insurance for owners of performance cars is using an underwriter (Liverpool Victoria) who does not cover performance vehicles?


The cynic in me suggests that the broker is charging a premium to arrange insurance for your performance car and then just using a 'normal' insurance company and pocketing the difference.


This is a high-risk strategy however, because as soon as a claim goes in, the game is up.


It could be a genuine mistake (ie. all the mods were not disclosed to Liverpool Victoria) but then why would a performance car broker even be getting quotes from a company that they would already know (by working in a niche area of the market) would not provide cover?


Ombudsman definitely but maybe a phone call to the police may be in order too.

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Just gone onto their website and asked for a quote for an Audi S3 with several mods.





Uprated brakes, clutch, intercooler

Non standard wheels

Induction kit


and I was refused.


I put I was 31 with 5 years NCD living in a nice area (Millhouses).


Its hardly a Porsche and the mods are not that extreme. Some will make the car safer.

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insurance ombudsman, sorry but its breach of contract, you paid your insurance, they didn't keep their end up, your bank statements will be proof of your cover, deal with this straight away, do NOT contact the insurance company again, let them deal with your insurance!!


I would have thought the details on the documents would have been proof of what was actually covered....not the amount that was paid..if I've explained myself corectly..

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Ironically almost all performance modifications (better brakes, handling and acceleration) make a car safer. :)


In some respects I agrre but don't the modifications sugest that a driver may be more willing to "use" the car? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying enthusiatic driving is a bad thing but that there may be more chance of mishap?

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I would have thought the details on the documents would have been proof of what was actually covered.....


'actually covered' subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance underwriter.


There was a case a couple of years ago where someone had a claim refused on the grounds that she hadn't informed her insurers of a promotion at work which changed her job title even though she was essentially doing the same job.


Having a certificate with your car's registration and description on does not necessarily mean that your vehicle is covered. I suspect that is why a refund has been given to the OP.

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And I'm willing to bet that a higher percentage of people who mod their cars just might fit into a category that are more likely to make a claim?




If a person modifies their car to achieve a high speed chances are that person will at some point reach that speed - increasing risk. Modifications also increase the risk of theft and to some extent vandalism.


Due to the unique nature of some modified cars they are often stolen to be broken for parts. As some modified cars are genuine 'one offs' the crook faces a higher risk of being caught if he/she drives around in it or tries to sell it on.


Then there are those who steal it for a blast round the estate only to burn it out.

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Come on kaarontf!! Fill us in?


you're looking good if:

-You have all paperwork and previous Certs

-You understood that Performance Direct were an insurance broker

-PD never mentioned who they had underwritten your insurance with

-You didn't accept a 1year refund as compensation for the matter from Performance Direct

-You claimed all vehicular modifications in your application for insurance


If not it looks like you could have been sold a dud and Performance Direct have swindled you. From what I guess; it sounds like LV are the innocent party, you've been a bit naive and Performance Direct are being a bit naughty. I just hope you haven't put yourself in a position that could negate a legal claim against Performance Direct.


With regards to recorded phone calls etc; don't worry. Performance Direct would be answerable to the police, OFT and the FSA and so wouldn't be able to be too coy with producing the appropriate info to cover themselves legally.

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