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Best diet to lose weight

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Any one where the amount of calories you consume is less than the amount you burn through your daily activities.


One trick is to make sure there is enough protein in every meal, because it's protein that triggers your 'full' reflex (which is why the Atkins diet works). But most diets are about tricks like that, to fool you into stopping eating before you have eaten as much as you used to.


But mostly, it's about making sure you burn off more than you eat. Simples!

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I recommend reading 'Slim for Life' by Jason Vale


I've just read it and it completely changes the way you think about food and what foods do what.


There is a good section on diets.....he writes that they cause more harm than good both mentally and physically. When 'dieting' you feel your sacrificing something and therefore don't find the 'diet' enjoyable and easy to go back into old ways. Also when your starving yourself of certain foods or eating less your body panics and stores what you do eat as fat...same as if you gave yourself a treat when dieting...your body would store more of it as fat incase you starve it again.


He makes some extremely good points and tries to change your whole attitude towards food and fill you with the right knowledge to allow you to change the way you eat rather than just dieting for periods.


I've found it extremely helpful and when you read about what is in certain foods and what chemical and toxins companies put in food its really quite shocking....even with 'low fat' and 'sugar free' products...they actually are even worse for you.


Its a sort of hypnosis and by the end of it you'll find its just like a lightbulb....you'll want to eat the right foods which will result in a slimmer and healthier body

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More activities les calories, prevent eat more than 3 meals in the day, start walking at early morning, even you will feel that you are not enjoying but it's just a periodical, try to eat lot of vegetables and fruits and drink lot of water your body needs that. I can suggest on you another way that will help you to get fit is to take some diet pills from Slimming solution, honestly i didn't try them but my friend took them during her diet, i can give you the link

Slimming Solutions voucher codes. Good luck;)

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For weight loss, you need an effective excercise + a healthy balanced diet.


Thats all you need.


There is no such thing as bad food or good food. For example, if you have a slice of chocolate cake after a sunday lunch, thats fine, however if you are eating crisps, drinking pop, drinking lots of alcohol and snacking on junk food all day and every day, then not suprisingly you will put weight on.


If you eat the food that I mentioned to excess (the above paragraph) you will struggle to excercise as your body needs healthy food (pasta, meat etc...) to give it the energy it needs to perform physical activity

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What's the best diet to loose weight?


Plenty of fresh fruit and veg, use that as the bulk of the stuff on your plate. (Well, the veg obviously:cool:)


Smaller quantities of meat and carbs (potato, pasta, rice etc...)


Steam the veg.


Be wary of pre-made sauces. Many have loads of crap in them. Many tasty sauces take a couple of minutes to knock up, if you've got a reasonably stocked spice cupboard.


Don't eat processed ready meals. Rubbish content is usually high.


Beware of "low sugar" food. They've often replaced the sugar with fat to keep the taste.


Cut down on alcohol and cakes. There's nothing wrong with having them now and then, but not too many. Ditto things like crisps.



And the best tip of all:


Buy a bike and use it. A sensible diet and cycling will see the weight drop off.


There's a guy on a cycling forum, who was 39 stone.


He lost it all (he's about 12 or 13 stone now) by sensible eating and cycling.

(If you google 39 stone cyclist you'll probably find his blog, which has inspired many.)


That's it really. I personally wouldn't faff with points systems etc. Just eat the right stuff and excercise.


The very best of luck!:thumbsup:



PS. Don't skip breakfast.

Edited by perplexed
added a bit...
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sensible and determined is what you need to be


carbs are good for breaky and dinner but try to have more proteins for teatime.


make yourself get rid of any crap in the cupboards that way you can't eat it


fastest way to get results is to cut out fizzy pop and bread from you diet completely and crisps and crap basically


you have to get your brain use to smaller portions and have the will power to keep eating healthy....er lol :)


fruit and veg does suck but things like weetabix and banana's help with the whole fiber and poo area lol

i've lost nearly three stone myself now :)

and i don't eat choc any more and it does'nt even bother me and i use to eat like a bar a day and maybe a bag of crisps a day

and also i found a sport helped me to focus better it gave me a reason :)

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