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Best diet to lose weight

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One that changes your eating habits forever - so no silly diets like 'no carbs' because these aren't sustainable. Regular exercise to release endorphins. If you lose weight quickly you are most certainly going to put it back on. If you lose it slowly (Yeah I know we all want the quick fix) you are more likely to keep it off. I read somewhere the other day that YoYo dieters have a significant increase in cancer risk.

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I do Rosemary Conley. It works for me as it's not extreme. I don't go to the classes though. I just bought the starter pack off the website and did it myself. Luckily I only had a small amount of weight to lose and this worked perfectly for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well im doing slimming world i started in jan, and so far have lost 2st 2lbs, you can eat as much as you want of certain foods and never feel hungry, i make sure i go to class because it makes me stick to knowing im gonna get weighed and also your paying to go and you dont want to waste your money.

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I vote Slimming World, rejoined 5 weeks ago and have lost 1st 3lb. I have never felt hungry or deprived of anything. Since last time I did SW they have introduced the Extra Easy plan and it is really good.

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  • 1 year later...

The best diet is the one that's specifically planned for you and tailored to your lifestyle. It's what we do for a living and we've helped many hundreds of people over the last 30 years to lose weight and get in shape. Check out our website below, we're not expensive and you're welcome to contact us for a free chat.

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Burn off more calories than you eat :D



And utterly useless :)


The OPs looking for actual practical advice and is doubtless fully aware (as is everyone) of the above, true, but useless, fact.


Stop eating as much and at wrong time and start exercising more and DONT Make excuses why you cant do any of the above. Its a matter of willpower


Again, that's not advice, it's a dig a the OP. And, if the OP is like many of the people who decide to face up to an ongoing weight issue and do something about it, the very last thing they should rely on is 'willpower'.


If they possessed sufficient willpower to control their weight/food intake, they would have done so already.


What they need is an effective approach that does not rest on possessing an iron will.


One that changes your eating habits forever - so no silly diets like 'no carbs' because these aren't sustainable. Regular exercise to release endorphins. If you lose weight quickly you are most certainly going to put it back on. If you lose it slowly (Yeah I know we all want the quick fix) you are more likely to keep it off. I read somewhere the other day that YoYo dieters have a significant increase in cancer risk.


This is much more like it. The OP needs a way of eating and exercising that is sustainable for the rest of their life- it must not rely in any way on possessing large amounts of 'willpower' and be enjoyable enough that the OP actually wants to continue with it.


Carbs (bread potatoes highly processed carbs) should definitly be cut back to a minimum, not just because of their calorie content, but because it is easy to consume them in excessive quantities- they are habit-forming.


And, that cut back level of carbs needs to be long term.


Exercise should be something enjoyable, and, when it doubt, do less, rather than more- the key to sustaining any kind of regular exercise is being motivated to doing it, and not forcing yourself to stick so rigidly to a plan, that you start to hate it.

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There's help out there . Weigh ahead is based at wicker pharmacy tht is designed for ppl with a high BMi or health issues. Or try your local go's ours now has a health trainer who offers healthy lifestyle advice inc food & exercise info. Zest at upperthorpe also runs schemes. It's about making changes to your lifestyle rather than a fad diet.


I've just started at weigh ahead & a helth trainer. I'm only on week one but I've learnt a lt, but have a way to go :)


Good luck with whatever you choose.

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  • 3 months later...

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