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CAMRA National Members Weekend & AGM

Andy C

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Where were all the tickers last night?


We went into town and all the pubs were very quiet, we didn't see one ticker and we were in most of the real ale pubs (Dev Cat, University Arms, Red Deer, Old House and Wetherspoons).


Was it busy down the Kelham Island area?





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Where were all the tickers last night?


We went into town and all the pubs were very quiet, we didn't see one ticker and we were in most of the real ale pubs (Dev Cat, University Arms, Red Deer, Old House and Wetherspoons).


Was it busy down the Kelham Island area?






It was a touch busy in Kelham Island, but not as busy as I was expecting. Tonight may be a different story though! Saw some tickers in the Red Deer and spoke to a few CAMRA members from Newark in the Bath Hotel yesterday evening.

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I was listening to the top guy at CAMRA on Radio Sheffield this morning talking about why pubs are closing.


I still think the main reason is cheap supermarket booze and Sky.


People's idea of a Saturday night out has changed, these days they'd rather sit at home watching live sport on Sky and drinking their Stella from Tesco that's cost £0.80/pint, rather than the £2.00+ charged in pubs.


I believe to stop the binge drinking and also help the pubs the cheap deals at supermarkets should be stopped.....Make it a minimum of £1.25/pint, rather than the £0.60 Tesco were charging last week for Tetleys.


I say this as someone who takes advantage of the supermarket offers, but also gets out once a week for a few real ales in the pub.






This makes me laugh when CAMRA are partly responsible for pubs closing down.Due to them backing the beer orders in 1990 and stopping breweries owning pubs.Breweries wouldn't sell to supermarkets that cheap because it would ruin THEIR pubs now they don't own pubs and only sell beer to whoever.

The smaller pubs were subsidised by the larger pubs just so long as they sold a couple of barrels the brewery was happy.

CAMRA should hang their head in shame especially in Sheffield where 4 large breweries shut down due to them putting hundreds out of work !

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