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Is it OK to compliment a stranger?

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Most people have some attractive redeeming feature about them.


I'm naturally quite a complimentary person, if a friend or acquaintance is wearing something I like, or is looking well, I tell them!


I think women do it to other women quite a lot, sometimes in a backhanded way,:suspect: "Oh your hair looks really nice at the moment, such an improvement" or "Since you've lost all that weight, you look so much better than you did" suggesting you looked a right scarecrow munter before.


In my previous career, when I was doing someone's make up, it was part of my job to accentuate people's features so even if someone had a faceful of blackheads they generally had lovely eyes, or great eyelashes, or a really strong nose or lovely big lips. I love being able to compliment people on their skin, I really do notice it about everyone I meet.


Some people are really rubbish about accepting compliments as well. I readily accept them and say thank you usually but find I get less as I get older. :rolleyes:


My favourite compliment ever was from a gay guy, a stranger, in Corp, who said 'you are the cutest, sweetest thing ever and I simply must dance with you.' We danced and then he gave me a big kiss and said 'Ooh, I wish I was straight, you are lovely!' and then ran off!:hihi:

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I don't know why women pretend to get upset about it.

They should be happy blokes want to bonk them.

Of course ugly women have to wait until the blokes are drunk to get their turn.


Have you ever seen Jezza Kyle? It's full of ugly women getting DNA test for their 'babbies' which leads me to think that either your theory is incorrect, or...there's a lot of drunk blokes out there!

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Most people have some attractive redeeming feature about them.


I'm naturally quite a complimentary person, if a friend or acquaintance is wearing something I like, or is looking well, I tell them!


I think women do it to other women quite a lot, sometimes in a backhanded way,:suspect: "Oh your hair looks really nice at the moment, such an improvement" or "Since you've lost all that weight, you look so much better than you did" suggesting you looked a right scarecrow munter before.


I got one of them the other day - 'you're going to look great in your wedding dress! Are you going to lose some weight?'


I told her my dress would drown a skinny ass like hers.


I didn't really :hihi:

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I got one of them the other day - 'you're going to look great in your wedding dress! Are you going to lose some weight?'


I told her my dress would drown a skinny ass like hers.


I didn't really :hihi:


See this is an entire thread on its own. Thinks about the time Stagewalker gave me a compliment whilst slapping KTHFB around the face with his 'ruddy' words!

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Yes it is.


You're saying it is OK for one sex to pass a compliment, but not for the other.


No it's not and no I didn't. I said I personally find it uncomfortable to receive compliments from strange men. I never said men couldn't or shouldn't compliment women, I said;


men should be more respectful of the fact that they could be making a female uncomfortable by being approached by a strange man.


Meaning they should be careful how they go about it, especially if a woman is on her own and dressed modestly - what makes them think she would like their attention?


Secondly, I never said it was alright for women to compliment random men, so how am I being sexist?

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