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Beauty products from the old days

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I wore orange lipstick to match an orange poplin coat I had and under the coat I had a white dress with a thin black stripe

Went through Coles Corner 's make up dept and heard the remark 'looks like a belisha beacon'.


One of the hair products my Mom had was a pair of iron tongs that you heated up on the gas ring, then tried it out on newspaoer if the newapaper went brown they were ready to curl your hair, lost many a frizzle when too hot, she also had iron hair clips that made her hair look like corregated cardboard.




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My mom and older sisters used Ponds cream and Vaseline I was a 'sophisticated' 60's chick and used Yardleys or Max Factor, Panstick was a big favourite. My hair colour was Belle Air (spelling) black tulip and my perfume of choice was whatever 'try me' sample I was able to spray on from the Boots counter.


Do you know that Ponds Cream and Vaseline are still very popular today ?

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