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Does anyone have any family rituals? Or things that they do in memory of people that have passed on.


Tonight (sat) we have been to play in a pool tournament in memory of a freind. She died last year (at this time) aged 35, from cancer.

It used to be a family tournament, (which she used to regularly win) but in her memory her brothers have come over to Sheffield to play with all her friends in her memory. It was an excellent eveing, with some good pool played. The person that won played with her cue, they had come up from Southampton and have said the trophy can stay in our local pub, so that we can think about her whenever we see it.


I was wondering if anyone else has any rituals or things that thgey do in memory of people that have passed away.

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I have many rituals ;):P


But in relation to remembering the dead, at Halloween we remeber our loved ones. This year we set places at the table for those we wished to remember. Last year I set up a nice collection of photographs on my mantlpiece.



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