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Advice needed re: Managers Comments

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Honestly? I think you should ignore advice like this. It's not nice but he needs to get a thicker skin. The most I would advise doing is going to her manager and having a word with them about it informally and keeping a note of incidents incase this does blow into a full blown case of bullying.


If he starts making a song and dance about this he's going to appear to be someone who can't solve his own problems and flies of the handle at the slightest provocation. Work is not school and you can't go running to teacher every time you hear a bitchy remark. You have to fight your own battles, be professional and rise above it.


It would be very hard to prove that she did not make the comment as banter or a joke if she claims she did, plus a few comments are not enough to make a tribunal take you seriously, let alone one. Also companies tend to take the side of management in cases like this and treat the person kicking up the fuss as a troublemaker. It's very likely if he does start doing what the poster I quoted suggest asking the company to 'settle' (i.e. give him money) then he is likely to end up out of a job and with no reference and a reputation that may follow him around as a troublemaker.


I agree. If I took offence to every comment/joke made at my place of work i'd have left within a week of starting!


Some industries are more prone to a bit of work place banter than others. I've previously worked in some very corporate office style places where a swear word for example, would have bought you a ticket to Personel! I'd hate to go back to such a squeeky clean work environment now. As said above, a thicker skin is needed, give back as good as you get. It does you good.


Tribunals are tricky and can hinder your career going forward. People/Employers do see it as trouble making (be that right or wrong). I know when I worked in Recruitment, anyone who had taken a company to tribunal went straight in the DNR draw (Do Not Represent) along with anyone previously sacked, or scruffy! This may seem cruel but we knew no employer would touch them with a barge poll so we weren't allowed to represent them, it would tarnish our reputation as a company to put forward such candidates.


I would take it with a pinch of salt. It's a tough world out there!

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as i said very early on in the thread a solicitor and money are the furthest thing from his mind and he will not be going down that road , yes he can expect banter in his working life,but when someone tells you you are a retard and a minger that is another matter.

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"Are you a retard or a scrubber"


this was a question my grandson was asked by his manager at work.when asked he said why and was told that everyone living at ???????? was either a retard or a scrubber.

can anyone advise what action he/we should take.


Your grandson should extend his index finger and project it rapidly in the direction of the manager's eye.

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Your grandson should extend his index finger and project it rapidly in the direction of the manager's eye.
thanks for that bradpit britpad :hihi: tomorrow he is seeing the area manager and hes not going back to the job why because he has found another one ,he just wants the company to know what a bully they are employing a very small female that makes everyone she comes in contact with lifes a misery, he has a slight speech inpediment and it really upset him being called a retard and a scrubber because he lived at W??????D

oh and he still wont be seeing a solicitor or trying to get any money from the company, why because he is not a retard or a scrubber only an 18yr old trying to earn a living

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