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Should the term 'white trash' now be considered racist?

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I'm not sure about this one, whities seem immune to racism, except for the religious or gay folk who understandably are offended by most ism's, on the whole they seem to be tough skinned and haven't felt discriminated against until fairly recently, nor had years of persecution because of their skin colour, but if we are to strive for a more equal and fair 'big society' and help them feel more welcome in the UK, then does terminology like 'white trash' now need to be considered racist?

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white trash has always been considered racist - but those who fall into this catagory are entitled to refer to themselves and others by this term, as many other sections of society are entitled to use racial terms that apply to themselves in jest...

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Guest sibon
Its a term often used by taxi drivers to refer to folk on estates like Lowedges, like a lot of US terminology it eventually becomes more mainstream and used more regular on these shores.


I've never heard a taxi driver use the term to describe a resident of Lowedges. I think you are trolling.


To answer your question: Yes, the term "white trash" is racist.


What motivated you to ask such a strange question?

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"If we are to strive for a more equal and fair 'big society'", then people wouldn't use the term 'white trash'.


If you are saying that because certain sections of society have experienced degrading treatment by others in the past, then the tables can be turned, ergo equality. That would be a travesty of the word equality.


BTW, you're use of the word 'whitey', is pejorative. I think you know that already.

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Its a term often used by taxi drivers to refer to folk on estates like Lowedges, like a lot of US terminology it eventually becomes more mainstream and used more regular on these shores.


Nah - it's purely a US term... Never heard it in the UK, as we have 'chav' for this purpose... Although you can be a chav of any race, and some other races do 'chav' better than white people!

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