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Cameron's immigration speech

immigration, what would you want?  

121 members have voted

  1. 1. immigration, what would you want?

    • as it is now
    • 1980's level, tens of thousands
    • no immigration at all for ten years
    • only a very limited very selective policy

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As I showed in my previous post had you read it far from being bang on the money his figures are tabloid nonsense.


Maybe you missed it, so here it is in full:






It is not racist to talk about immigration, but to use misleading and meaningless statistics to score a political point at the expense of immigrants is.....


The calculations used by fivechinesecrackers are flawed too, so I wouldn't rely on those two much. I agree the terminology used is open to interpretation. Cameron says 2.5million extra people in work. Of course, what he means is, people in extra jobs created, since it would be silly to include natural turnover of workers as additional jobs.


So 5CC are not wrong, the number of 'extra' people in work will be much higher than 2.5m if you include natural turnover of workers, but these are not necessarily extra jobs in the economy, which is what we're interested in.

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How do you know who are eastern europeans or not by sight? how do you know they aren't working? or aren't on a day off because they work weekends? Do you do survey research there? Somehow I doubt it.


Extrapolating from the evidence you see in Rotherham's outdoor market on a Wednesday is not really sound basis for making claims about the majority of eastern europeans....


Also what has the Berlin wall got to do with anything? do you long for the soviet block to be back?


Do you intend advertising your driving services by displaying an IQ level somewhere below inadequate?


I wouldn't trust you to be safe in a dodgem car, from the evidence of your posts here.


well for one when the wall was up...you never saw a person from eastern europe...and what has my driving skills got to do with the fact that most of our friends from the ex soviet block...enjoy loads of free time in south yorkshire.....

in my opinion they are not working and just on their days off....they dont work at all....

see you dont like my point of view so resort to name calling.....

love to chat longer...but there is money to be earned...

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The calculations used by fivechinesecrackers are flawed too, so I wouldn't rely on those two much. I agree the terminology used is open to interpretation. Cameron says 2.5million extra people in work. Of course, what he means is, people in extra jobs created, since it would be silly to include natural turnover of workers as additional jobs.


So 5CC are not wrong, the number of 'extra' people in work will be much higher than 2.5m if you include natural turnover of workers, but these are not necessarily extra jobs in the economy, which is what we're interested in.


I can't see anything 5CC has written that could be construed as a flawed calculation. Except most obviously where that is his intention... after all he is highlighting the flaws and lack of meaning in the figures Cameron has chosen to cite.

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tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands, well its a start.


my own policy would be to end all immigration from anywhere.


for ten years.


That's not really viable to completely end it. Skilled medical personnel, doctors, dentists, nurses are always in demand. As people in these professions retire they need to be replaced and it's not always possible to fill the requirements from home grown sources.

I would agree though that immigration of all unskilled people should be stopped in the near future

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I see Vince Cable has obviously been told off by his Tory masters because he's now backtracked on his earlier condemnation of Cameron and is now saying the coalition is in agreement over the policy.


He should grow a spine.


haha Cable may have done it to show the public what is going on

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tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands, well its a start.


my own policy would be to end all immigration from anywhere.


for ten years.


I are you sure that you've thought this through?


So do you think that no foreign sports people can move here to play for any of our sports teams? Do you believe that no foreign film or movie stars should be able to move to this country to work on a project? Should a foreign academic be able to move here to work on a research project?


Under you proposal how long would a foreigner be able to live here in the UK, and what if is a foreigner marries a UK national, would they be allowed to move here?

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I are you sure that you've thought this through?


So do you think that no foreign sports people can move here to play for any of our sports teams? Do you believe that no foreign film or movie stars should be able to move to this country to work on a project? Should a foreign academic be able to move here to work on a research project?


Under you proposal how long would a foreigner be able to live here in the UK, and what if is a foreigner marries a UK national, would they be allowed to move here?




As somebody who spends his day's defending the Cons how did Smarmy Dave's speech sit with you then JFK?

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Camerons right to say something about immigration,but its to late and to little the rubbish of every country in the world are here scrounging of us,they are not here for the weather that's a cert,they need to sort the ones that are in this country out first, I'm all in favour of people coming here that have a skill that benefits our country in some way,but why let people in to our country that are nothing but scroungers and free loaders laughing at us as they pocket money that our fathers and forebears worked hard for in the past.

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tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands, well its a start.


my own policy would be to end all immigration from anywhere.


for ten years.


there are other options besides your four choices, so, i didn't vote.

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