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Israel warns Turkey in sending another Flotilla to Gaza

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Israeli terrorism rearing it's ugly head again.




Turkish rebuttal comes after Israel officially requested that Ankara thwart a planned attempt to launch a 15-ship flotilla, one year after an IDF takeover of a similar endeavor ended with the killing of 9 Turkish activists.


Turkey said on Thursday it had received a request from Israel to help stop activists sailing to Gaza on the first anniversary of an Israeli raid on a Turkish ship, but it said the flotilla plan was not Ankara's concern.


Turkey, a Muslim former ally of the Jewish state, has scaled back ties, demanding Israel apologize and pay damages for last year's raid, which caused an international outcry.



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Despite the tight grip that Israel has on Gaza, they still manage to get their hands on rockets to fire at Israel. Where and how are they getting the rockets? :suspect:


Maybe Israel's providing them (so they can have an excuse to kill more Palestinians) ?


Just a theory...

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Despite the tight grip that Israel has on Gaza, they still manage to get their hands on rockets to fire at Israel. Where and how are they getting the rockets? :suspect:


Probably China and Russia but they will have passed through many hands first.

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totally dishonest topic header which should be edited by a mod.


Israel warning Turkey against 'sending' the flotilla implies that the Turkish government is in some way behind it, which nobody I know of believes. The flotilla is being organised by the IHH, an Islamist Hamas-supporting terrorist sympathising group masquerading as a 'humanitarian charity' - not the Turkish government.

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Considering things as innocous as beauty treatments and tattoos are shunted off into megathreads can we not do the same with all these ones about Israel to discourage this constant posting of multiple threads on the same subject.


He's only posting on here because he got banned from using Digital Spy for doing exactly the same thing.

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I say lift the media blockage on the city size death prison called Gaza and have a no-fly zone to protect the innocent people that have been living in a war-torn, uninhabitable, overpopulated and inhumane area of the middle-east.


Wake up!:rant::rant::rant:

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