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Religion’s role in gender discrimination?

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I am willing to bet that the family he refers to are not evangelical christians or devout muslims or orthodox jews, so it is weird how you come to that conclusion.


good god, no. she wouldn't see anything like work outside of some arts and craft thing, 'voluntary' work ten minutes a week at some community center.

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again, you miss the point. the thing is they are badly treated. looked at screw eyed by neanderthals who say they should be at home taking care of the kids etc without looking at the bigger picture.


near enough everything to do with work, the higher you get in an organization, is a struggle. if the 'fact-of-lifers would shut up grumbling and being insecure and trying to sabotage the women they would need to 'moan about it'.


I was once working on site and this woman came in looking fed-up and so I asked her what was wrong and she said she had to go shopping on her way home. I said, sorry to hear it love I do that all the time.


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I was once working on site and this woman came in looking fed-up and so I asked her what was wrong and she said she had to go shopping on her way home. I said, sorry to hear it love I do that all the time.


What's that got to do with the price of fish? :suspect:

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I was once working on site and this woman came in looking fed-up and so I asked her what was wrong and she said she had to go shopping on her way home. I said, sorry to hear it love I do that all the time.


not sure what this proves. that she was having a bad day? that she hates shopping? that you shop everyday after work? what exactly?

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Then here is a link to women in the New Testament and they were on an equal footing with men.


Also men did a lot of the housework and did the cooking etc. because it was a perfectly normal thing to do.


Jesus was the same with women as he was with men.




they are mentioned and are in the bible, but nowhere near 'equal' with men.


how does this =Woman accused of adultery

(John 8:2-11)

"The only biographical information identifying this woman is the accusation by the scribes and Pharisees that she had committed a sin." The scribes and Pharisees asked Jesus to be her judge and jury. Instead he told her to "go and sin no more."= prove she was equal with men. if she was wouldn't we have been told the guy she had been sleeping with was kneeling next to her waiting to catch granite with his forehead?

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