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Body parts taken without consent

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do you think this is 'unreasonable'? if someone die suddenly, car accident os some such and their body parts and organs could be used to help others do you think it'd be 'doing the right thing' that- if the deceased had no explicit instructions to the contrary- hospitals use them?


even if there might be resistance from those left behind?


there's need to be exemptions i suppose but should the donor system now be changed from an opt-in to and opt-out system?

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Given the amount of people who suffer for years and die as a result of illnesses that can be cured/relieved with donor parts, i think its disgraceful that so many bodies are buried and burnt intact when they could help so many living people lead better lives and take some strain off the NHS which has to support people with chronic illness.


When im dead, every bit of me is up for grabs by anybody that may need it.

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If it can help save the life of someone else then yes, absolutely. It's just common sense. What good is it to the dead person?

You can have what ever you like of mine once I've snuff it, just please double check that I am actually deceased first, i'd hate to wake up from a deep and satisfying sleep only to find that someone had robbed my eyes or something!

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Its theft plain and simple, perhaps it would be OK for them to empty your pockets and remove any jewellery after all its no good to you once you’re dead.


If people carry a card then all well and good but its wrong to just assume that body parts can be taken, its akin to the “scrap man” assuming he can take anything left in your back garden and there are enough threads about that. :hihi:

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Its theft plain and simple, perhaps it would be OK for them to empty your pockets and remove any jewellery after all its no good to you once you’re dead.


If people carry a card then all well and good but its wrong to just assume that body parts can be taken, its akin to the “scrap man” assuming he can take anything left in your back garden and there are enough threads about that. :hihi:


Not quite the same thing!

Someone's wedding ring for example doesn't have the potential to save someone else's life but an organ does.

A person's belongings are as you rightly pointed out, no good to the deceased anymore but could be passed on next of kin. I doubt they'd want a stinky decomposing body part returning though.

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I've no objection to my body being used for 'spares' when I die and I do carry a donor card, but compulsory organ donation - or even an opt-out system would probably be a total non-starter.


I doubt any politician (or at least any politician who had any aspirations towards being re-elected) would even suggest it.


Have you forgotten the fuss a few years ago when a newspaper(?) leaked the story that various hospitals had retained the organs of deceased persons?

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If it can help save the life of someone else then yes, absolutely. It's just common sense. What good is it to the dead person?

You can have what ever you like of mine once I've snuff it, just please double check that I am actually deceased first, i'd hate to wake up from a deep and satisfying sleep only to find that someone had robbed my eyes or something!


would be pretty tricky to know you've woken up if your eyes were gone. :hihi:

you in the habit of losing your heartbeat when you go into a 'deep and satisfying' sleep? mind you, i can sleep through a storm.

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Its theft plain and simple, perhaps it would be OK for them to empty your pockets and remove any jewellery after all its no good to you once you’re dead.


If people carry a card then all well and good but its wrong to just assume that body parts can be taken, its akin to the “scrap man” assuming he can take anything left in your back garden and there are enough threads about that. :hihi:


not sure it's the same. but i do get your mean. would you object to a change in law so we have an opt out system rather than the one we have?


caught one of those scrap guys in the garden a few weeks back. was the damndest thing. he just sort of said 'hey'. i said 'hey'. he mumbled something about the weather. i agreed. he walked off. i sat on the bench and lit my joint, and read a book.

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