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Why do we behave differently towards the rich?

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Manofstrad has a point, people dislike money because it reminds them of their own failings.


I'm pretty sure you are not the only one to realise that I am one of the few people talking sense on the issue, but you are one of the very few who are big enough to admit it. Well done.:)

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Thought I would add a new perspective to the debate,


Although he is stirring the pot, and I don't particularly like his attitude, Manofstrad has a point, people dislike money because it reminds them of their own failings.


I don't think that is correct- as you and I could be better off than someone else (whether that is having a house/car/some savings etc).


I think the best way is not to look at those above you, but those below you, and just be grateful with what you have.

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Thought I would add a new perspective to the debate,


Although he is stirring the pot, and I don't particularly like his attitude, Manofstrad has a point, people dislike money because it reminds them of their own failings.


Its the tall poppy syndrome- as soon as you do alright for yourself people want to cut you down. No need to be vulgar and show-off but as a self employed person I understand that if you make a bit of money you want other people to know about it! otherwise whats the point of working hard??

Call me crazy, but the point of it is for you, if you're doing it in order to impress people then that's pretty shallow.

short of actually getting your hard earned out in the street, how do you do this? well you buy cars, clothes, watches, houses etc.

I thought we did that because they were nice. Eg an expensive house is generally nicer to live in that a cheap one, be that the different neighbourhood, the size or the garden... You buy a nice watch because it looks nice... Again, to do these things to try to impress people is shallow.


Entrepreneurs understand this because we don't necessarily have high status 'titles' and justifiable job descriptions like some professions.


Anyway I have clients to tend to! ta-ta.

I hope you don't try to impress them with your rolex, it's just not cool.

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When it comes to money Americans and British attitudes to it are as fa apart as the poles.

Americans see a rich man and say "I want to be like him one day"

Britons think " I'd like to tax him out of existence"


It's a gross generalisation and not at all true.

I can use myself as a counter example, taxation should be flat rate, and I'll be quite happy to work hard and make a decent living without begrudging others their money if they have more than me.

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It's a gross generalisation and not at all true.

I can use myself as a counter example, taxation should be flat rate, and I'll be quite happy to work hard and make a decent living without begrudging others their money if they have more than me.


Yes it's a generalisation but with some truth also. I've made enough money to live very comfortably but I'm certainly not wealthy. The Republican party are protecting the very wealthy from paying their fair share of taxes and I see a backlash eventually from people in the middle class who pay their share to the very last penny.

A flat rate taxation system is the fairest method but despite all the talk about it, wont happen in the US

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And getting back on topic - I don't see why we should treat the rich any different from anyone else. Likewise those who aren't rich. Michael Carroll http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1249209/Lotto-lout-Michael-Carroll-dole-squandering-millions.html was rich for a while and he was a complete boor and caused his neighbours considerable grief. :gag: Harry Enfield also played a rich type perfectly, the 'I'm considerably richer than yow' guy with his permatan and garishly dressed missus.


I can't be doing with really vulgar displays of wealth, those who are seriously well off don't usually need to let people know all the time. I visit Cheshire regularly, and its a pretty well off county - some of the old villages have houses worth a fortune. Sadly some have been 'improved' into tasteless monoliths by people with more money than taste. Footballers! :roll:


But going OTT isn't only the prerogative of the very rich, the most ostentatious gates I've ever seen were on an ex council house. Pillars with gold lions as well. :|


I believe in behaving decently regardless of who I'm dealing with. Unless they are ill mannered or rude of course. ;)

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And getting back on topic - I don't see why we should treat the rich any different from anyone else. Likewise those who aren't rich. Michael Carroll http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1249209/Lotto-lout-Michael-Carroll-dole-squandering-millions.html was rich for a while and he was a complete boor and caused his neighbours considerable grief. :gag: Harry Enfield also played a rich type perfectly, the 'I'm considerably richer than yow' guy with his permatan and garishly dressed missus.


I can't be doing with really vulgar displays of wealth, those who are seriously well off don't usually need to let people know all the time. I visit Cheshire regularly, and its a pretty well off county - some of the old villages have houses worth a fortune. Sadly some have been 'improved' into tasteless monoliths by people with more money than taste. Footballers! :roll:


But going OTT isn't only the prerogative of the very rich, the most ostentatious gates I've ever seen were on an ex council house. Pillars with gold lions as well. :|

I believe in behaving decently regardless of who I'm dealing with. Unless they are ill mannered or rude of course. ;)



Sounds like Phils gaff!;)

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When it comes to money Americans and British attitudes to it are as fa apart as the poles.

Americans see a rich man and say "I want to be like him one day"

Britons think " I'd like to tax him out of existence"


Although not true in every instance, you aren't far off the mark. Why do you think there is such a difference in attitudes between the two cultures?

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I consider myself to be extremely fortunate. I have everything I could have ever dreamed of, and more. I have never worked a day in my life, but I live off my wits, charm, and, I have to say, extremely good looks.


I am currently living 'on the lane', you may have seen the beautiful house, and impressive outbuildings. I live in the furthest one from the house. The lady of the house pops in now and again, and 'sees me alright'. The only thing I would change if I could, would be to get rid of all those bloody cuckoo clocks, but even that's not such a problem now, as I'm getting used to them. It's a wonderful life.

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