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Why do we behave differently towards the rich?

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During the week I drive a fairly modest car and I give out and receive courtesy from other road users.


Come the weekend I fetch something rather more expensive and prestigious out of my garage.


And so?


Are vehicles a prestige symbol?


I'm retired. Most of my 'travel' is done on my feet. I happen to like walking and I do it often.


I have access to a car - whenever I need it.


It's a perfectly adequate car. Well - equipped, capable of 'off road' use (one of the few such vehicles so approved by Mr Clarkson) [though I found that out after I bought it - so it wasn't a consideration] and it's quite capable of towing a trailer at 70mph (legal where I tow trailers.) It'll do just under 150 without a trailer.


I have two motorcycles. I don't ride 'crotch rockets' - my bikes are both touring bikes - but I can show a clean pair of heels to most tourists (I don't race on the roads - I save that for the [now rare] days I ride on a track ...) But I do live in an area which is very popular with a-hole visiting bikers who don't know the roads and are not capable of riding them. I'm older and slower than I used to be - but a bit of 'local knowledge', a lot of advanced training and 45 years of experience seem to make up the difference. ;)


Am I rich? - Hell yes! I'm as rich as Croesus! I've got grandchildren. (and I'm happily married.) I'm also completely happy with my lifestyle. (As is my wife.)


I spend my life in Paradise


I spend my summers in one of the most beautiful places in the world and I spend my winters in a place with mild (average 20'C) temperatures which allows me to do as much sailing, swimming and fishing as I want.


Am I wealthy? - I've no idea. I have enough money to do the things I want to do.


When I was a small child, my great-grandmother told me (I'll translate - she didn't speak English) "If, at the end of the week, you have sixpence left in your pocket, you are a rich man.


If, at the end of the week, you are sixpence short and you can't pay your bills, you are a poor man."


Sound advice.


She also said: "When you get paid, divide the money into 3 equal heaps.


Pay your living expenses with the first heap. If that heap isn't big enough, take money from the third heap.


Save the second heap.


P*ss the third heap up against the wall, if you like."


I followed that advice. I started out poor (nobody gave me any money, I didn't inherit money, I earned it.


Was Grandmère's advice sound? - Well, it worked for me.


How much am I worth? - I've no idea. Nor am I interested. At the end of each week, I do have at least sixpence left over.


I offer the same amount of courtesy to other road users as I do in my day to day ride, but the reaction from them is totally different. They will not let me out at junctions or they look at me with disgust when they pull up next to me. Ridiculous when you think about it!


I'm amused by the number of 'boy racers' who think they can out-accelerate a motorcycle.


How many pounds per horsepower? - Do the sums. My plodding touring bikes will do 0-60 in under 5 seconds. A sports bike would do it in 3. I don't bother with being first off the mark. I'll overtake the boy racer at the next set of lights (having stayed within the speed limit) and when I approach, the lights will probably turn to green. (One of the benefits of being rich...and knowing how to ride/drive. ;))


This attitude towards the rich has been further pointed out by many people who post on here. Another current thread points out the habit of people calling anyone wealthier than themselves a "ten bob millionaire".


Not quite. A 'ten bob millionaire' is a person who 'puts on airs' and who is prepared to skimp on regular expenditure in order to pretend to others that (s)he is wealthy.


I know a lot of wealthy people who are poor. They live unfulfilling lives.


I know a lot of wealthy people who are rich - They own more than they can ever spend and they are happy with their lives.


I know a lot of people who have 'enough to get by' (wealthy by no means, but they don't go short.


I know a lot of people who don't have enough to get by - But they make the most of their lot and manage to be happy. They ARE rich. (beyond your wildest dreams.)


I know a lot of people who have high incomes , but who nevertheless, manage to get themselves into debt over their heads. They have my sympathy. (If you want some of that sympathy. look in a dictionary. You'll find it about half-way between '****' and 'Syphilis'. Help yourself.)


I also know some very poor people. People who try hard, but just can't get by. They are the people the state should support


Is this simply a case of jealousy or is there some other reason for this hatred of success? :huh:


Jealousy. - But we knew that anyway ;)


Living in paradise does have its drawbacks. Life is not always perfect. It's time I took a stand - or rather a jump.


I'm not getting younger, so I'm going to throw myself off a a mountain.


My birthday is 31 May and on that date (being as I'm old enough) I'm going to go up a local mountain and jump off.


'Alas, cruel world ...'


Unfortunately, the Germans have strict rules about this, so I'm not allowed to jump alone. (Nothing to do with 'assisted suicide' - more to do with being licenced to fly. I retired some years ago, so apparently 'I forgot'.)


I'll take an 'instructor'. We'll go up to about 9-10,000ft, run through 50 yards of fresh goat poop and throw ourselves off a mountain.


It will be fun.


- Hate me if you like! :hihi::hihi::hihi:


I came into this world with nothing on. There was no 'silver spoon'. My parents - who didn't have two ha'pennies to rub together) gave me their love and worked really hard to ensure I got as good a start in life as they could manage. I was well fed, adequately clothed and well loved.


I enjoy life ... just a bit ;)


When I leave this world I will also leave with nothing on. - There are no pockets in a shroud and my legal property will pass (without death duties) to my son and his children.


I came into this world with nothing.

I will leave it with nothing.


but I'm not prepared to leave ANY of my hard (or even ill-gotten) gains to people who did nothing to deserve them.


(That's another reason I don't live in Sheffield)


Hate away! Have fun!

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During the week I drive a fairly modest car and I give out and receive courtesy from other road users.


Come the weekend I fetch something rather more expensive and prestigious out of my garage.


I offer the same amount of courtesy to other road users as I do in my day to day ride, but the reaction from them is totally different. They will not let me out at junctions or they look at me with disgust when they pull up next to me. Ridiculous when you think about it!


This attitude towards the rich has been further pointed out by many people who post on here. Another current thread points out the habit of people calling anyone wealthier than themselves a "ten bob millionaire".


Is this simply a case of jealousy or is there some other reason for this hatred of success? :huh:


Why do people feel the need to constantly exert their wealth and social mobility over others at every opportunity?

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During the week I drive a fairly modest car and I give out and receive courtesy from other road users.


Come the weekend I fetch something rather more expensive and prestigious out of my garage.


I offer the same amount of courtesy to other road users as I do in my day to day ride, but the reaction from them is totally different. They will not let me out at junctions or they look at me with disgust when they pull up next to me. Ridiculous when you think about it!


This attitude towards the rich has been further pointed out by many people who post on here. Another current thread points out the habit of people calling anyone wealthier than themselves a "ten bob millionaire".


Is this simply a case of jealousy or is there some other reason for this hatred of success? :huh:


I'm not going to read the whole thread, i don't have time, but if i can give way to a performance car in my eccy van i do, no point in holding up traffic.

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