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Where can we play Badminton

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Guest simon710

The English Institute of Sport now operate pay and play Badminton Sessions.


It hasnt really caught on yet so it isnt that busy


Number is 0114 2235600.

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Originally posted by simon710

The English Institute of Sport now operate pay and play Badminton Sessions.


It hasnt really caught on yet so it isnt that busy


Number is 0114 2235600.


Found the prices/info for EIS too, just click here



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It's a familiar complaint about Pond's Forge - you get into a routine of playing on a particular night, then they cancel your booking at short notice (or no notice at all). I started a badminton group last year and lost members through their unpredictable arrangements.


The good news is that you can get block bookings at Hillsborough or Concorde Leisure Centres. I know both these are both a little way from the City Centre but not so bad if you drive.


The club I run is now going strong with at least a dozen players each Wednesday at Concorde from 8pm but we can accommodate new players if you're interested in joining us (mostly 30+ but all welcome - £4 per person for 90 mins).


I'm trying to raise interest in a series of 4 lessons for beginners as I have been contacted by a qualified coach who'd like to continue her work in Sheffield. Maybe this will happen before Xmas, but if not, definitely in the New Year.


Good Luck - if you want to carry on doing your own thing you could try Graves (283 9900) or the Goodwin Sports Centre (part of Sheffield University - tel 0114 222 6999) or if you do fancy a social game with a group, give me a call on 231 0869

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by spinac

The club I run is now going strong with at least a dozen players each Wednesday at Concorde from 8pm but we can accommodate new players if you're interested in joining us (mostly 30+ but all welcome - £4 per person for 90 mins).


I'm trying to raise interest in a series of 4 lessons for beginners as I have been contacted by a qualified coach who'd like to continue her work in Sheffield. Maybe this will happen before Xmas, but if not, definitely in the New Year.


Have you/your club thought about entering the Sheffield and Badminton District league or is it more for fun/social?

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Hi drp,


We have one or two players who may be league standard, but mostly its a semi-serious social game we play. The format is 90 minutes of doubles changing partners after each game. We currently have a block booking for 3 courts/2 sessions and had 18 players last night.


We'll be looking to expand the group in the New Year by encouraging new players with a series of lessons from a professional coach.


Do you play in the Badminton Leagues yourself? Where are the games played?





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Hi drp,


We may have one or two players at the moment who may consider joining the league (they're a level above most of the other players). How many players would you need to form a team? Do the leagues run annually and when do they start? (Would I be best contacting the league secretary directly?)


Thanks for the comments - I'm sure there are many potential players out there who just need a little encouragement and an active club nearby.


Cheers, Ken

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