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Crime doesn't pay- does anyone still believe this?

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Cobblers, they get three square meals a day and all the laid on entertainment they couldn't afford outside:roll::roll:



Would you swap your present lifestyle for a prisoners lifestyle based on 3 meals and the entertainment provided?


In answer to the question..no it doesn't pay, if you get caught. Yes it does pay if you don't get caught.

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In answer to the question..no it doesn't pay, if you get caught. Yes it does pay if you don't get caught.


The person I mentioned in #15 did get caught, but he/she is still at least £9k, probably much more, better off.



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The person I mentioned in #15 did get caught, but he/she is still at least £9k, probably much more, better off.







Obviously if the gain outweighs the penalty then yes crime pays in the financial short term.


The problem with being caught is it vastly reduces your chances of further crimes being lucrative. You set yourself up as a target. The other question of being caught is the effect it has on your standing within the community..it isn't always financial. Getting caught can be a no-win situation even if you're 9k better off. (loss of employment etc)


Commit a crime and don't get caught or attract attention is the only win scenario I can see. One may argue that you have your own conscience to deal with but I'm sure if you've committed the crime your conscience is probably low on your priorities.

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Would you swap your present lifestyle for a prisoners lifestyle based on 3 meals and the entertainment provided?


In answer to the question..no it doesn't pay, if you get caught. Yes it does pay if you don't get caught.


If that was the case why do prisoners re-offend. It's because prison is no deterrent, they get fed, clothed, given money and free entertainment which I help pay for but I also have to buy my own TV, computer etc which one day some low life will come along and nick. Then if he gets caught he'll be back behind bars or he'll get away with it (which is more likely). Either way I'd have to replace items myself or claim off insurance which would put my premium up. I'm obviously completely off my trolley for being honest:roll::roll:

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why ? all he loses is the freedom to go to a pub,go to a football match yet he gets accomodation,in some cases its 4 star he gets 4 meals a day has no taxes to pay gets his laundry done etc etc etc


some pensioners would give all they have to be in the same position as a felon


look at venables the child killer ,he got a better education than most kids his age ,he got set up for life with a new name and 24/7 bodyguard ,yet he still ends up re offending ,now he's trying to blackmail the system ,if they dont provide him with a move to austrailia he will commit suicide ,i personaly dont give a damn let him rot or die ,either way it's self inflicted




Your response tells me that inmates who think prison is an easy ride must have led a pretty miserable life beforehand. If getting 4 meals a day, free laundry and paying no taxes is an acceptable alternative to freedom then good luck to them. I know I wouldn't enjoy prison life in the slightest.


I dont know how dangerous British prisons are but looking at the State and Federal prisons in the US the new arrival has to for his own safety join a gang according to his ethnicity The gang he joins could be made up of members of the Mexican Mafia, white power skinheads or black militants. Being a loner in prison with few exceptions is an invitation to trouble from someone else sooner or later. You have to mix with a nasty bunch for your own protection. People you'd avoid like the plague under normal cicumstances

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A prison inmate doing life more than likely is a firm believer that crime doesn't pay


Cobblers, they get three square meals a day and all the laid on entertainment they couldn't afford outside:roll::roll:


If that was the case why do prisoners re-offend. It's because prison is no deterrent, they get fed, clothed, given money and free entertainment which I help pay for but I also have to buy my own TV, computer etc which one day some low life will come along and nick. Then if he gets caught he'll be back behind bars or he'll get away with it (which is more likely). Either way I'd have to replace items myself or claim off insurance which would put my premium up. I'm obviously completely off my trolley for being honest:roll::roll:



Hold on a minute your reply to Harleyman was to shrug his answer off with "cobblers", because a prisoner gets 3 meals and telly. Do you see 3 meals and telly as a win situation as an alternative to being free? and if so would you swap? being as it's so cushty like.


Prisoners re-offending has nothing to do with prisons as a deterrent unless locked up in confinement for the rest of their lives. Prisons on the whole do not deter crime..they just confine, look at prison history, we're actually expanding. Are you actually telling us that a villain contemplates 3 meals, the x factor, 2 showers a week when he's just about to knock over Lloyds TSB?


If you concentrated thinking on the cause rather than the effect we may start to make some headway. Cheeses me off when I hear this "3 meals a day" bull-dung.

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Hold on a minute your reply to Harleyman was to shrug his answer off with "cobblers", because a prisoner gets 3 meals and telly. Do you see 3 meals and telly as a win situation as an alternative to being free? and if so would you swap? being as it's so cushty like.


Prisoners re-offending has nothing to do with prisons as a deterrent unless locked up in confinement for the rest of their lives. Prisons on the whole do not deter crime..they just confine, look at prison history, we're actually expanding. Are you actually telling us that a villain contemplates 3 meals, the x factor, 2 showers a week when he's just about to knock over Lloyds TSB?


If you concentrated thinking on the cause rather than the effect we may start to make some headway. Cheeses me off when I hear this "3 meals a day" bull-dung.


Those three meals a day arent that wonderful either. About one level above military MREs

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Hold on a minute your reply to Harleyman was to shrug his answer off with "cobblers", because a prisoner gets 3 meals and telly. Do you see 3 meals and telly as a win situation as an alternative to being free? and if so would you swap? being as it's so cushty like.


Prisoners re-offending has nothing to do with prisons as a deterrent unless locked up in confinement for the rest of their lives. Prisons on the whole do not deter crime..they just confine, look at prison history, we're actually expanding. Are you actually telling us that a villain contemplates 3 meals, the x factor, 2 showers a week when he's just about to knock over Lloyds TSB?


If you concentrated thinking on the cause rather than the effect we may start to make some headway. Cheeses me off when I hear this "3 meals a day" bull-dung.


Thats a great comfort to know the cause . What caused some low life b****** who I don't know as I am a law abiding, friendly person to creep around and slash all four of my car tyres the night before my holiday which I very nearly had to cancel and half the money I had saved to take with me was spent on buying four new tyres so spare me the bleeding heart routine

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Thats a great comfort to know the cause . What caused some low life b****** who I don't know as I am a law abiding, friendly person to creep around and slash all four of my car tyres the night before my holiday which I very nearly had to cancel and half the money I had saved to take with me was spent on buying four new tyres so spare me the bleeding heart routine



Yes it is, because then you can do something about it which might help in future avoidance.

Why didn't you say that in the first place? If the debate was all about you it's understandable..it's not. It's possible that someone slashing your tyres maybe seen to say as much about you as the person who did it. When your child causes trouble, any trouble, do you attack it through the effect only or do you try to understand the cause? This is a general topic not a personal sentiment release, or do you think that you're the only one on the receiving end of crime? nothing to do with "bleeding hearts" you muppet it's about trying at least to get to grips with the'why' rather than 'why me'.

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