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Crime doesn't pay- does anyone still believe this?

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Those three meals a day arent that wonderful either. About one level above military MREs



Get your point but T-Bone and the works wouldn't make any difference I would guess..you're still surrounded by 4 walls @ 6x4.

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Crime doesn't pay. I'm sure we'll all be familiar with the saying, we'll all understand the moral of it. But does anyone truly believe it?


crime does pay until you get caught and then all of that wealth seized and you end up in jail. Crime pays for a limited time because you're not legally entitled to the money and therefore the law will take it back at some stage.

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Get your point but T-Bone and the works wouldn't make any difference I would guess..you're still surrounded by 4 walls @ 6x4.


Obviously those who think that prison life is a cushy number haven't done time. Nothing works like a reality check I imagine

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Would you swap your present lifestyle for a prisoners lifestyle based on 3 meals and the entertainment provided?
Of course they wouldn't, but some criminals might considering the quality of a prisoners life can be considerably better than the one they were trying to improve.


Originally posted by Alien

In answer to the question..no it doesn't pay, if you get caught. Yes it does pay if you don't get caught.

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Oh crime pays, dependant on the scale. And it pays bloody well...un-till you get caught.


I recently say images from a raid on a huge Cartel members house. Had something like X amount of million in Euros, X amount of million in pounds, and so on and so forth. X amount of million in Antique guns and art, a collection of rare tigers and other animals. The house was massive, with a collection of guns that would worry Libya.


He was found out anyhow, but I can gurantee, with the scale of how he was operating, life in the nick is gunna be all too easy for him, most of the lads in there will be his contacts anyway. They did burn down his house mind...but when or if he gets out, I'm sure it wont be long for him to have that amount of cash again.

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No, because fear of punishment isn't what stops people comitting crimes.
Yeah yeah. Don't tell me, you've never done anything remotely naughty.. you couldn't, because you're simply far too honest, kind and noble. Well done Halibut... well done fella.


Putting you aside though, what then would you say it is that deters people from comitting crimes?

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In general it doesn't pay. Most of the offenders here in sunny cosmopolitan Hackney are habitual petty offenders, they get their next drink or hit from the proceeds of crime before doing another p**y 6 weeks in the nick.


The police have to ration the number of times they nick them in order to prevent the system collapsing.

Some of them get ambitious and start dealing on a large scale, they make enough to rent a BMW while residing in a council flat before promptly getting slotted by one of their equally ambitious brethren.


If you want to make serious money from crime with a reasonable expectation of dying in your own bed at an advanced age without a sojourn in one of HMP you need to do it properly.


Elected office, Arms dealing with a valid end user certificate pays to have friends in elected office. Drug dealing (licensed pharmaceuticals sold at exorbitant prices to a captive market) pays to have friends in elected office.

Bank fraud sell junk investments as AAA rated securities having paid an agency to rate them AAA, collapse the global economy, get your friends in elected office to make the moronic sheeple pay the bill, get your friends in elected office to make the moronic sheeple lend you their money at 0.5% and then lend them their own money back at 7% to 25% depending on the mode of lending them their own money back.


Simples ;)


too true could not agree more:D

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