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Feeling threatened and harassed

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Bit scared actually, nothing happened yet but this bloke has been let down very gently and politely. No harsh words, just dont want a relationship with him. Anyway he's constantly phoned all day, telling me he's been drinking and is going to get a taxi up here and cause hasstle with both myself and ex partner (my kids dad) etc. Every taxi that pull's up? Can't sleep. What to do? Don't want to bother cops cos he has'nt actually done anything yet. Any advice cos in house on my own with kids.

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Guest sibon

Lock your doors and windows. Take your mobile phone upstairs and go to bed. Set your alarm if you have one.


Get some sleep and don't let the toe rag ruin your life.

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ring the police on 0114 2202020, and just let them know you've been threatened, but say you're not asking them to come haring round


if you HAVE to call them later, they'll have all the details already which will save time and make sure you don't miss anything important


think of your kids. it's not 'wasting police time'

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Hi there,


Am sorry to hear that you are feeling scared. Given that the guy in question has mentioned that he IS going to come and see you, I think it would be totally in order for you to contact the police to mention that you have been (and feel) threatened. They will perhaps have more patrols around your address tonight so that if you were to call them they again with reason then they could respond quickly. Other than that, make sure that all door and windows aare locked and that all internal doors are closed. Also make sure that the batteries in your smoke alarm work. Sorry to have to raise these points but all are sensible if you fear an intruder :(


In your shoes I would have no further contact with this sorry excuse for a guy. Don't answer his calls or texts. he does not deserve your time :( xx


Edit to add - Yes indeed to a fully charged mobile phone on your pillow xx

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