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Police out shopping

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Firstly, how do you know they were "on duty" Are you not allowed a break during your worktime? Have you never nipped out for some shopping during your break/lunch time?


Secondly, if your job takes you out and about all day - away from where you leave your own vehicle and belongings why shouldn't you be able to use the company vehicle to nip to the shops.


If there was an emergency they would get the radio calls. I really do not see what the problem is? Or is it just an excuse for another attack on police officers. There seems to be quite a few subjects on this forum.


I agree. Pathetic post!! Must live a very boring life indeed.

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just been to a bike shop this afternoon and was surprised to see 2 police officers inside, i thought that there must have been a shoplifter or something, but no, they were shopping, for mudguards actually. are they allowed to do this in works time. last time i heard anything like this was on the radio, someone asked a question to the police on the radio why are police allowed to do there own shopping in the co-op in woodhouse, the official police answer was that they were shopping for the prisoners. is anyone on here allowed to borrow the firms van/car to do there shopping in works time.


Can't be sure but I reckon Police officers might be allowed a lunchbreak.... I know it's a pretty 'out there' suggestion, but just worth a thought...

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As people have said previously, they may have been on a break or lunch or whatever.


But, if they were in a bike shop, buying mud guards, would you not presume that they use bikes to do their work?


But then again, they could have not had mud guards, turn up to a call covered in mud, then you can complain that they look scruffy and should buy mud guards.


Either way, get over it :loopy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very refreshing to hear Sheffielders with common sense. This site is littered with police hater nonsense. My favourite is the losers that come on saying they saw a police car speeding without having even the slightest clue what the reason for the speed was!


"if I drove that fast in my uninsured car to the dole office, I'd get a ticket. One rule for them, one rule for us blah blah blah"


The OP has gone very quiet? Probably just dawned on him/her that they actually don't have a life.

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