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Life is what you make it!

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Buck Hi luv... You carry yourself straight and true from what I read. Bless you... My mind too is sharp ..... LOL like a whip lash at time to cruel people.

I bless the day we got a computer I try to learn at least ten new things a day.

I've have a wonderful colourful jig sawpuzzle of a life.

'I always say a smile begets smile'... and if they don't smile then sod em young or old.


You and I survived the Blitz...kiddo. Cheers

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I spent time abooard a few US Carriers from time to time, USS Saratoga, USS Wasp, USS Midway, and Enterprise. Gibraltar was favorite. There was room to tie up a couple of the Carriers that were smaller than today's monsters. So the US Chiefs and senior POs would come aboard to share a litttle rum, then we'd go over to them for chow. They learned how to fly on using the mirror landing aid we invented.:)


I spent something like a month aboard the carrier Bon Homme Richard while she was operating off the Vietnam coast. Cant say I was ever seasick but flying in choppers wasn't all that wonderful what with air currents and hydraulic oil leaking everywhere.

The captain was George Morrison the father of Jim Morrison of the Doors.

The crew called the ship the Bonny Dick. I'm sure she went to the scrap yard long ago but the old USS Midway has been preserved as a floating museum, permanently anchored in San Diego

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Buck Hi luv... You carry yourself straight and true from what I read. Bless you... My mind too is sharp ..... LOL like a whip lash at time to cruel people.

I bless the day we got a computer I try to learn at least ten new things a day.

I've have a wonderful colourful jig sawpuzzle of a life.

'I always say a smile begets smile'... and if they don't smile then sod em young or old.


You and I survived the Blitz...kiddo. Cheers

I forgot to mention the blitz, What was I thinking? Lost my home in Tinsley. WE had to dig ourselves out December 15th 1940. Oh what a lovely war!!!
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I shall hit the big 80 this August. Apart from the little matter of four serious attacks of pneumonia since the brginning of last year, and a near fatal car crash last September, I'm in fine fettle. I have survived a crash in 1979 which killed my wife, sn spsrtment fire in Montreal, a tornado in 1979, a cardiac arrest in 1990, a fire aboard the Carrier HMS Indomitable in 1952, cancer of the larynx 10 years ago. I married my superb Irishwoman in 1982, and nobody could be happier.Thank you for your post. Too many people write us off, but while ever i can continue to do the things I like, playing freecell, beating the panelists on Jeopardy, watching Uconn basketball men or women beating the best in college, the rest can go to hell:)


Re my bold.

Yes Buck you are!

A tale of inspiration to all! :)

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Woops, just realised I've posted more or less the same as a previous poster.


That is a choice you have both made for yourselves. I call it a self fulfilling prophecy.

The power of positive thinking should never be underestimated IMHO. We all have that power...it's a matter of choice whether we use it. :)

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That is a choice you have both made for yourselves. I call it a self fulfilling prophecy.

The power of positive thinking should never be underestimated IMHO. We all have that power...it's a matter of choice whether we use it. :)


You are 100% right dear Swami.. 'Never give up no matter the odds' that line made me get up and shuffle a few steps.. now I can walk again

My family always tried to make the best out of the worst... and it works. Sheffielders were good at laughing at hardships... the smoke and the pollution for a start was dreadful and rickets was rampant before the war... That is why Sheffield folk have such great sense of humour it's in our genes.

I'm glad I was born there it gave me the power of positive thinking..

So I DARE to Dream BIG..and follow that dream till I make it happen. If it doesn't I jump to another one..


A Bag of Tools

Poet: R. L. Sharpe


Isn't it strange

That princes and kings,

And clowns that caper

In sawdust rings,

And common people

Like you and me

Are builders for eternity?


Each is given a bag of tools,

A shapeless mass,

A book of rules;

And each must make,

Ere life is flown

A stumbling block

Or a stepping-stone.

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The guy who showed me the door to another perception had this to say about the subject and I thought it may help Metaphoria and Discodown and others in so far as he has a different way of putting it. :)


In a village where the great Zen master Hakuin was living a young girl became pregnant. Her father became incessant with rage and demanded to know who the father was. She steadfastly refused to tell as the birth drew nearer and nearer and finally the father threatened severe punishment. To escape this punishment she told him the father was Hakuin.

The father said no more...but as soon as the child was born he marched straight to Hakuin and threw the baby down in front of him. "It seems that this child is yours." He continued to rant and rage using every conceivable kind of insult and slur until his spleen was vented.

Hakuin looked at him and said, "Oh is that so?"

He picked the baby up into his arms and thereafter, wherever he went he took the baby with him. During rainy days and stormy nights he would go out to beg for milk from the neighbouring houses.

Many of his disciples considered him fallen and a false teacher and so they left him. Hakuin said not a word!

In the meantime the mother had suffered many agonies at not being able to see her child and broke down and confessed to her father the name of the real father.

Hearing this he rushed to Hakuin and prostrated himself asking forgiveness over and over again. Hakuin let him finish and said only, "Oh is that so?" and gave him the child back.


This is acceptance! Whatsoever life brings is okay, absolutely ok. This is the mirrorlike quality...nothing is good, nothing is bad, all is divine. Accept life as it is. Accepting it as is, one starts feeling very joyful for no reason at all.

When joy has a reason, it is not going to last long. When joy is without reason, it is going to be there forever.



I am just a humble Swami (seeker after truth) and whatever blessings are mine to give are yours fellow forummers! :love:


You almost had me round to your way of thinking until I read that. I'm afraid no, Swami... sometimes things are bad, unjustified, and unfair. It's normal to feel angry, hurt and sad-sometimes. It's just what you do about it that makes a difference, I think.


I admire your positivity, but that's about it. I don't think I can't be persuaded on this, and feel an agree to disagree moment coming on.

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