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Life is what you make it!

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Life is indeed what you make of it ... but it's also what you get.


I was 5 when I first saw a banana.


I was 20 when I first saw a computer (about the size of my office, and that was a 32 KILObyte machine.)


The first man who walked on the moon didn't have a 4-function calculator (they hadn't been invented.)


Life is indeed what you make of it - but (and certainly for those of us who were born after the middle of the last century) Life changes every day.


Make of that what you will.


Re my bold.

Heraclitus taught that you can never step in the same river twice. I aspire to live my life in the moment....a day is an eternity. :hihi:

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His circumstances are very different from the majority of us; I wonder what his attitude to life would be if he was able bodied? I reckon if people were faced with his problems from birth, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it and would therefore accept the fact that they got a bum deal and just got on with it. Here's a repulsive question of sorts. If God said to him, "I can give you limbs, would you like me to?" Do you think he would accept or not?

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His circumstances are very different from the majority of us; I wonder what his attitude to life would be if he was able bodied? I reckon if people were faced with his problems from birth, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it and would therefore accept the fact that they got a bum deal and just got on with it. Here's a repulsive question of sorts. If God said to him, "I can give you limbs, would you like me to?" Do you think he would accept or not?


I suggest you ask him yourself.


Those come across like very dark thoughts you're having Mecky...almost like you're looking for the catch. Am I reading you wrong? :)

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I suggest you ask him yourself.


Those come across like very dark thoughts you're having Mecky...almost like you're looking for the catch. Am I reading you wrong? :)


You're reading it quite wrong

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You're reading it quite wrong


Thanks for clarifying. :)


Nick is different in the fact that he has obvious physical difficulties from birth...yes!

Nick is the same as the rest of us in the fact that he has the power of choice.


The crux is this...whatever life throws at you...however bad...we all have within us the power to make the best we possibly can out of it. A positive mental attitude is the healthiest gift we can give to ourselves...simply by using the choices we are given wisely.

I guarantee you that if we think things will turn out bad...they will...it's a self fulfilling prophecy created in the mind. Think the opposite...and practice it all the time and "miracles" start happening.

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I guess the majority of us really don't have anything to be unhappy about, it's just in this day and age, where it's me, me, me, we feel we have to have everything handed to us on a plate. I mean, there are a lot of people out there with very little, whether it be health or wealth. Take a hard look at events around the world and tell me, would those people moan living your life???

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