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My Standard Vanguard

old tup

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My Dad's first car was a Standard Vanguard. That would have been mid 50's. Things I remember about it was that it had a push button radio!! (I would have been about four or five at the time, so something like that was pretty cool)


The old man must have had it a couple of years as I can just remember, with the aid of some old piccies, going on holiday to Blackpool and Scarborough in it.


He got rid of it after we had been to Devon and en route it broke down. It took the local village garage three days to get the spare part, which completely buggered up the holiday - we were only away for a week and spent most of it staying in a village pub.


The repair bill + additional accommodation costs were the final straw. Next thing I can recall was a shiny new Ford Prefect outside and Dad became a Ford man for the rest of his driving life.

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Many moons ago i drove ice cream vans for Jack Clayton,he had three ex army vanguards bought from Arthur Hendor(spelling)who had a place at the back of Bradfield Road flats(Regent court). He had them converted at Harwoods of Horwich near Bolton. The registrations were 3552W, 2860WJ and 4470WE. All three had 6 cylinder engines and went like rockets! (and also drank fuel like rockets).


I also remember he had an ex ambulance alvis with a wooden chassis, converted into an ice cream van.


They were all brilliant little work horses and i'm sure they'd still be going to this day if they hadn't gone out of fashion.


Or rusted...

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Or rusted...




I had an ensign that virtually broke in half on Claywheels Lane.


It broke my heart as i'd paid Eric Stead on Holme Lane £30 only six months earlier.


He towed it in and allowed me a fiver off a vauxhall wyvern.


Oh to be young and daft again.:hihi::hihi:

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Great memories of a fab car....the Standard Vanguard!! My father had one, and even a s alittle girl, with not that much interet in cars, I loved it. We always had a car, my father was a rep, we had Fords, Vauxhalls, Austin Cambridge etc. I love going to the shows in the summer that display the 'old' cars, reminds me me of my youth!!!!!

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Was the Vanguard the car with that split windscreen or am I thinking of another? My first was a police Wolseley which came complete with bell and sign. It cost thirty shillings and went like a bomb. I had to remove the Police sign, but against my condition of sale I kept the bell, which was in good working order.

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There was a black Standard Vanguard car parked on Sandforth grove Abbeydale for ages it was in a bit of state the wings looked a bit bodged up, I asked around the area but no one seem to know any thing about it, I even put a note on the windscreen but nothing came of it, I went back a few times, the last time there was a sticker on the windscreen saying untaxed vehicle, strange wonder what happened to that car? it looked as though it would have made a decent car with a bit of time and money spent on it.

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Was the Vanguard the car with that split windscreen or am I thinking of another? My first was a police Wolseley which came complete with bell and sign. It cost thirty shillings and went like a bomb. I had to remove the Police sign, but against my condition of sale I kept the bell, which was in good working order.


Yes it had the split screen.

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