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Best roast pork sandwich shop ?

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Having read all the contributions about the roast pork and savoury ducks you wonder if it would be nice to return to the old days of food like that, food that you really enjoyed, not like some piece of plastic. About the savoury ducks I believe I was once told they contained haslet.

It also took me back to my schoolboy days in Atterliffe. On Attercliffe Common opposite the Burial Ground was a herbalist who sold delicious sarsaparilla and liquorice stick - it was not liquorice it was a kind of wood you shredded with you teeth, and next door was a pie and pea shop run by Sid - they were all called Sid - You could have pie and peas sitting down at a table indoors with gravy and relish for one and a half pence in old money.

Yes I remember the old herbalist shops and the sarsparilla..The liqource wood sticks were called Liquorice Root....Lasted hours and a good spit at the end.

Rgds Peter

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Yes I remember the old herbalist shops and the sarsaparilla..The liquorice wood sticks were called Liquorice Root....Lasted hours and a good spit at the end.

Rgds Peter


Thanks for the reply PJKAY in answer to Carneys butchers i believe the shop is still there but NOT Carneys anymore not 100% sure as i live in the Midlands now perhaps someone can answer this question for you . The liquorice stick you mention was quite a big help to myself some 8yrs ago at that time i was on 60 to 80 fags a day then i started cutting liquorice stick into fag size lengths and chewed on that instead of having a fag believe me it worked for me i found it was just having something to do with my hands i used to buy it from the Wicker herbalist shop at the side of the Peace Gardens also the Herbalist shop in the old Castle market opposite Harringtons both now gone i believe you would not believe the amount of people who used to ask where i bought it and if i had got any spare to try for themselves :hihi: .

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Surprised some of the old timers have not mentioned Broomheads [i think] on Leopold Street which I would stand outside just to sniff the roast pork cooking. On pay day I could then treat myself to the best hot roast pork sandwich ever. Mind you this was in the early sixties so I suppose this shop has also long gone.:(

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