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My first car VW Beetle 1959 model

old tup

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When I passed my driving test in 1960 my father came in one night and told me to get my coat on we were going somewhere.We caught the tram to town and a bus up Ecclesall Rd,he went to a house on Sharrow Lane,knocked on the door a woman let us in.We sat down and Dad told her how sorry he was that her husband had died as he was a workmate and friend.She was short of cash it turned out and she was selling his VW car as she couldnt drive,it was a year old.Anyway Dad gave her £500 pounds cash in old white fivers,well over the value of it.The car was a deep grey colour as new,it had no syncro mesh gearbox most drivers today wouldn,t know how to double clutch,it came easy to me as I learned how to on a Ford Thames lorry before I sat in a car.It had rod brakes you really had to be on your toes with them,it had no petrol gauge you drove till you ran out of fuel then you turned a lever on the floor which gave you a reserve gallon.On todays standards it was a bit crude but it was bullet proof,its 1200 cc air coolsd engine would run all day and night, I loved it many a young lady graced its back seat but thats another story!:love::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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When I passed my driving test in 1960 my father came in one night and told me to get my coat on we were going somewhere.We caught the tram to town and a bus up Ecclesall Rd,he went to a house on Sharrow Lane,knocked on the door a woman let us in.We sat down and Dad told her how sorry he was that her husband had died as he was a workmate and friend.She was short of cash it turned out and she was selling his VW car as she couldnt drive,it was a year old.Anyway Dad gave her £500 pounds cash in old white fivers,well over the value of it.The car was a deep grey colour as new,it had no syncro mesh gearbox most drivers today wouldn,t know how to double clutch,it came easy to me as I learned how to on a Ford Thames lorry before I sat in a car.It had rod brakes you really had to be on your toes with them,it had no petrol gauge you drove till you ran out of fuel then you turned a lever on the floor which gave you a reserve gallon.On todays standards it was a bit crude but it was bullet proof,its 1200 cc air coolsd engine would run all day and night, I loved it many a young lady graced its back seat but thats another story!:love::hihi::hihi::hihi:


I bought a 1960 Beetle in 1967. On a motorway, with a following wind, foot flat down you could just touch 70. Don't understand the 'no synchro' Old Tup. Mine had syncromesh on all 4 gears. At the time possibly the only car to have syncro on 1st gear.

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The Beetle looks sort of what my cousin had in the 50s but it was a two seater, we drove from Sheffield to Lester to a wedding, I had curl up and sit in the back with no seat...god knows what I sat on but I felt every bump :hihi:

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The Beetle looks sort of what my cousin had in the 50s but it was a two seater, we drove from Sheffield to Lester to a wedding, I had curl up and sit in the back with no seat...god knows what I sat on but I felt every bump :hihi:
HI poppins is this a rehash.Any how my first car was a Standard 10 for70£ the back seats was dirty and torn, but that did not matter as l was to saw the top half of the body off, this was fairly easy as it was aluminium, then l built a little truck body on it for work, this was the first of 41 vehicles i have had in my lifetime, and the only one which l remember the reg; number JO 3290,l went through cars and vans like a dose of salts and lost a little fortune, and l never had a test[tests were relaxed] also in 70 years of driving l always had a clean license and still have. Cheers Arfer Mo.
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I first experienced driving a VW 1300 model from my uncle, he liked it very much and took such good care of it that the car's condition was excellent. For me it was a little tricky driving it, but style-wise it's hands down one of my favorite classic car. I chose a more modern New beetle for myself though.;)


There's a new model out on the market for VW, you can check it here: The new Volkswagen Beetle makes it debut at the New York Auto Show. It looks sleek and nice, but it shifted too close to the appearance of porche imho. The white model has the appearance of miniature chubbified porsche.:hihi:

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