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Punch Up At The Park Hotel

old tup

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Back in the 70s my good lady wife and I resided on Marion Rd Hillsborough our local watering hole was the Park Hotel which we visited on a regular basis.One Sat. night we were sat in the lounge with a few pals,, upstairs there was a wedding reception in full swing,eventualy Ron Rose the landlord called time.About 10 minutes later the door from upstairs opened and this bloke staggered up to the bar and ordered a pint,Ron told him he was too late the bar was closed.At this the bloke grabbed Ron and nutted him,turned round and went upstairs,next thing the place was full of police, the wedding party came piling downstairs,the drunk was pointed out and was grabbed.Then pandamonium his mates started on the police it was like a madhouse,nobody dared move,the fight went into the tap room and out into the carpark.There were bodies rolliing all over the place,we moved outside to see several wedding guests thrown into the paddy wagons.Peace returned and we set off home, at the car park exit we couldn,t believe our eyes there stood the drunk bloke who started it all dragging on a fag swaying like an MFI wardrobe without a care in the world ,talk about a lucky boy!:roll::rolleyes::suspect:

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