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Is the BBC obsessed with evolution ?

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Thread is not to debate the Theory , but how the Theory is obsessively used in BBC programmes


Evolution is considered scientific fact, "Intelligent Design" is a pseudoscience.


Now, which one should the BBC pay more attention to?


I notice your use of the term "theory" in the pejorative sense. Perhaps, like most people, you don't really understand what it means?


Most people tend to think of a theory as just somebody's idea about how something works, something that might be right, or it might not. "Oh it's just a theory".


The scientific usage of the word is very different:


In popular usage, a theory is just a vague and fuzzy sort of fact. But to a scientist a theory is a conceptual framework that explains existing facts and predicts new ones. For instance, today I saw the Sun rise. This is a fact. This fact is explained by the theory that the Earth is round and spins on its axis while orbiting the sun. This theory also explains other facts, such as the seasons and the phases of the moon, and allows me to make predictions about what will happen tomorrow.


This means that in some ways the words "fact" and "theory" are interchangeable. The organisation of the solar system, which I used as a simple example of a theory, is normally considered to be a fact that is explained by Newton's theory of gravity. And so on.




What most people imagine a theory to be is, to me, more closely related to the definition of a hypothesis.


Many religious people seem to think that science is merely some alternative form of faith based belief system (although strangely enough, when they are flying at 20,000 feet, receiving medical treatment or even just watching TV, their belief in the basic principles of science is absolute).


As I mentioned earlier, "Intelligent Design" is not a science, it is a pseudoscience.


Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but which does not adhere to a valid scientific method, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status.




"Intelligent Design" is simply an attempt to give Creationism the same scientific credibility as Evolution.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for ID theory to inspire even one empirical discovery. It can’t, because it generates no testable hypotheses, and that’s because it refuses to specify, even vaguely, the capabilities or motivations of life’s designer.


The reasons for this evasiveness are obvious. If ID theorists were to posit an omnipotent, omniscient, supernatural designer, they would have to admit that they’re doing theology, not science, and they would have to confront such embarrassing cases of unintelligent design as the Cubist body shapes of flounder and the prevalence of noncoding (“junk”) DNA in our genomes.


But if the proposed designer were natural rather than supernatural (ancient extraterrestrials?), ID theorists would find themselves facing an infinite regress (what process produced the extraterrestrials?). More importantly, they would lose the political and financial support of their constituency, which consists of religious fundamentalists, not SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) fans.



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Originally Posted by Bassman62

Yes dear well I think that the common link here is Islam considering you're against 911 because muslims were responsible, you're against the London Bombings because Muslims were responsible, you're also against Evolution because Muslims don't agree with it.

BTW which day did life suddenly appear, what time and where also why did God create pigs if he was so perfect.


Hardly ! Religion is another form of control !


However my true correct factual statement about majority of 911 hijackers being invisable is 100 % true !


If u wish to discuss further I suggest you put in a request to the mods to open the 9/11 thread !


So when did life first appear on earth?

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You're welcome :-) I make no charge - information wants to be free after all :-)


Ok as I am free now after debunking around half a dozen SF users on my illuminati thread I can move on too this ,



Oblix. You sent me a link to around 20 scientific sources ,


My question too you is


Have the community you just used to back up your Theroy of evolution ever lied or have been instructed too miss lead the general public ?


Yes sciencetific fact is impossible to disprove , however on subjects such as global warming these sort of people have Been proven that they can lie or sex up if you will the data available in order to furher thier agenda !


Can this also be the case with the theory of evolution ?

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Originally Posted by Bassman62

Yes dear well I think that the common link here is Islam considering you're against 911 because muslims were responsible, you're against the London Bombings because Muslims were responsible, you're also against Evolution because Muslims don't agree with it.

BTW which day did life suddenly appear, what time and where also why did God create pigs if he was so perfect.




So when did life first appear on earth?


To be honest you a disgusting way of getting your point across !


When life appeared on earth it was called the Cambrian explosion


I suggest you Reserch it before you wish too comment on the Theroy !


As for 9/11 hijackers the thread is closed due to me exposing the pro Goverment proaganda which was being repeated for 7 years plus


Yes majority of hijackers are invisible as they only EVIDANCE YOU have ever and will only be presented with is are passport style photos !


Realy !


But don't worry the government will never lie ! Lol

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Ok as I am free now after debunking around half a dozen SF users on my illuminati thread I can move on too this ,


You see it as 'free'; the rest of us, quite wisely, see it as another one of your threads that was deleted for trolling and spouting nonsense.

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You see it as 'free'; the rest of us, quite wisely, see it as another one of your threads that was deleted for trolling and spouting nonsense.


It's only nonsense too you as the best debunk or the best most feeble attempt you could muster to answear me back was accuse me of video piracy !


Which is quite laughable !


By Jane , i have nothing too say too you as you are no were near my level of thinking !

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To be honest you a disgusting way of getting your point across !


When life appeared on earth it was called the Cambrian explosion


I suggest you Reserch it before you wish too comment on the Theroy !

Maybe you should do a little research yourself before so patronisingly telling others to do so.


The Cambrian explosion is not as you claim "When life appeared on earth" the Cambrian explosion is a period tens of millions of years long about 500 millions ago in which there was a relatively rapid 'explosion' in the variety of life on earth.


Life on earth existed for over 3 billion years before the Cambrian explosion.


You are out by over 3,000,000,000 years, this is not a trivial error.

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It's only nonsense too you as the best debunk or the best most feeble attempt you could muster to answear me back was accuse me of video piracy !


Which is quite laughable !


By Jane , i have nothing too say too you as you are no were near my level of thinking !

For once you are absolutely right, Karis is lucid and produces coherent posts which display a good deal of intelligence without a trace of insanity and as such "no were near" your "level of thinking !".

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