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Is the BBC obsessed with evolution ?

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Oops. Nothing left.


As you seem to be both a passionate believer in the idea that nothing is as it seems, and largely unable to string a sentence together, you are going to break my ignore list virginity for me.


A leaving thought - some things really can be taken at face value.


Rather disingenuous coming from Number Six? ;)

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I'm not questioning it at all. I am merely enquiring as to the expertise of those doing the browbeating.


Browbeating doesn't take any expertise at all.


Educating however does. The expertise of those that attempt to educate in matters of science, and their qualifications for doing so, can be established. It seems to me that there are a number unqualified people that are determined to uneducate in matters of science.


In that sense it is a matter of trust.


Although I have a science degree, I am no expert, but I do understand the mechanisms at work. Evolution is much better understood than gravity, but nobody speaks of the "theory of gravity", it's just gravity, and so it is with evolution.


Besides, like geology and continental drift, evolution is just so beautiful. Both sciences are built on an intricate jigsaw of knowledge, that fits together so perfectly, it doesn't take a scientist to understand the poetry at work in nature.


The browbeaters are those that want to remove this beauty, and replace it with simplistic middle-aged dogma.



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Firstly, you were the one going a bit mental. I pointed out each time you lied and called you a liar. Which you are.


Secondly, you tried to claim the sacrifices might be real, that was a lie.


the bohmiean grove thread is still there for you to run through if you like, my opening statement was " mock child sacrfice " and many times did i reapeat they are burning iffigy of children, im not sure if you got confused with what iffgy ment, but i played along with you as you were ranting and raving calling me a lair, but thats cool auto as we both know i did not untill after you started meddling with my thread insinuate that real children were being sacrficed at Bohmeian Grove,


Thirdly, questioning moderation decisions should be done via the helpdesk, it is against forum rules to do it in posts.


i have tried the help desk which gave me no answears to what things should not be discussed, ( longcol has given me a few head ups ) can you help any futher? i will be happy to listen



Again, you do not understand how debate (or indeed science) works. You cannot debunk someone that is not making a claim. You were the only one making claims. Therefore, you were the only person that could have their stories debunked. Which they were (and always are).

Again, you have to prove who they are, we do not have to prove that they are not. You spectacularly (as always) failed to do so..


we are talking about the illuminati thread ? yes?!


the thread developed into you all calling me a liar when i out foward the fact that Brain Coz did indeed say on live tv that there would be a plantary allignment, for 48 hours you all called me a liar asking for evidance,


which was provided with thanks from Karis, xx


so yes i did disprove you all for calling me a liar



You are a liar, as shown time after time after time after time after time. You cannot help yourself.

There is no 666 on bank notes. There is, when you fold it a certain way, a shape that looks a bit like it. As already noted, the number 666 has no meaning, I think 616 is the number you are after.


this subject ( 666 printed on our old eldgar money ) has to be the most easyist subject to talk about

i am 100% correct that the number 666 is printed on out old £20 currency


why dont you find a old £20 scan it , upload it too prove me wrong if you can!

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the thread developed into you all calling me a liar when i out foward the fact that Brain Coz did indeed say on live tv that there would be a plantary allignment, for 48 hours you all called me a liar asking for evidance,


which was provided with thanks from Karis, xx


so yes i did disprove you all for calling me a liar



No, you quite simply didn't disprove anything - you haven't provided any evidence that Cox said what you say he said.

Simply saying - 'It was on live TV' isn't evidence.

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No, you quite simply didn't disprove anything - you haven't provided any evidence that Cox said what you say he said.

Simply saying - 'It was on live TV' isn't evidence.


Halibut, This is a forum for group discussions where communication is in a basic form of text if you are not going to look into evidence via other media directed by Truthlogic then stop asking for more evidence.

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Halibut, This is a forum for group discussions where communication is in a basic form of text if you are not going to look into evidence via other media directed by Truthlogic then stop asking for more evidence.


What you mean 'more' evidence? He hasn't produced any evidence at all yet, so I can hardly ask him for more can I?

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Hello jack , the evidence I put forward were several remarks about the illuminati aired on MBNC and other bloomberg channels ,


The thread gave links to these vids ( which I can give again if you missed them)


Now I will ask you the same question as I did too all the sf users who posted on the illuminati thread,


If I am wrong and they were not talking about the same illuminati which we so called conspiracy Theroyists rant on about , in which context were they reffering to the name ?

Why would they blame the financial crisis on the " american illuminati "?

Why would they mention them by name ?


Hi again TL.


I see you don't want to answer my question.


No worries. Care to tell us why, though?

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this subject ( 666 printed on our old eldgar money ) has to be the most easyist subject to talk about

i am 100% correct that the number 666 is printed on out old £20 currency


why dont you find a old £20 scan it , upload it too prove me wrong if you can!


You still haven't learnt, have you? Nobody needs to prove you wrong. You need to prove you're right!


Unless and until you can provide said scan and point to the 666 marking, then your claim has no merit.

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