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Things to do with a Ozzie in sheffield?

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Seriously though

Depending on her age you could take her to one of Sheffields climbing centres or Ice skating. Chances are she won’t have done much skating. Better still the dry ski slopes if it is still open.


You could just take her round the pubs and try the food in each. There is one in Neepsend that Gordon Ramsey featured on his show.


I have a friend who is Australian and these are the things she likes. (And yes she loved the Walkabout, as you walk in shout Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie)

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ooooh, Take her out to the Peaks -

Winnats Pass and show her where the Princess Bride was filmed.

Take her for a walk in the countryside- it will be unusual for her to walk through people's fields, and the stone walls are what a lot of Aussies think of when they think of 'the rest of England that isn't London'.

Take her to some typical pubs - the older the better - see if you can find some that were pubs pre-1788. That will be before the first fleet got to Australia.

Take her to the pub in Strine (Aussies pronounce 'Australian' as 'Strine')

York will impress her with the medieval walls and the many, many pubs.

A day trip to Whitby for both Dracula AND Captain Cook.

Take her to Hillsborough Stadium - depending on how old she is, she may even remember the tragedy that happened there.


Take her for a roast dinner - at LUNCH time... that blew me away!


Thats just a few things I got REALLY excited about when I arrived, and have shown Aussie friends that have come for a visit.


(I know all the above mentioned things are not in Sheffield, but I got carried away)

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Take her to York for the day on the train, I did this a few years ago with an Australian friend and he was amazed by the place. There's also lots of great pubs if she likes drinking and she'll no doubt be amazed how warm, tasty and beautiful English ale is compared to the freezing cold knats pee that's consumed Down Under

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Take her to York for the day on the train, I did this a few years ago with an Australian friend and he was amazed by the place. There's also lots of great pubs if she likes drinking and she'll no doubt be amazed how warm, tasty and beautiful English ale is compared to the freezing cold knats pee that's consumed Down Under


You dont have to go as far as that for a pint of cold knats pee, she can go to london

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