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Hypothetically- Organs of a loved one donated to their killer.

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Absolutely not. Would you donate a loved one's organ to someone who killed her while robbing her? Drunk driver is no different from any other type of killer. Wilful in the first instance, criminally irresponsible in the second. Common denominator equals ldeath of the loved one.

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It's not really a situation anyone would necessarily be in, hypothetical or otherwise, because for deceased donors' recipients the rule is confidentiality.


Sorry to be a damp Squib on the debate...


If you "OK" your loved ones' organs for donation, you have no say over who gets them and you are not told anything but the bare facts, after the fact, eg, a young woman in France, or a baby in Scotland or something. No identifiers.


Also the chances of the tissue typing matching would be millions to one. None of this cobblers like in Coro', where Deirdre's husband, Sameir was amazingly a match to Tracy when she needed a kidney. and he just managed to get himself killed in order to provide Tracy with said kidney, just in time.


(the thing that frightened me most -*shudder*- About that storyline was that if Sameir was such a good match to Tracy, surely it meant that Deirdre was married to herself?)

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i would hope the drunk driver would last out a few hours-15 or so- as if it was a matter of a couple of hours he/she would die before my rage subsides. i'd then live to regret that i let a person die i could have saved, as so to speak. it'd be hard to get the news and have to sign a release form an hour later.


but, regardless of whom (within reason) they give the organs to i'd rather my relative to die for 'nothing' when they could save a life.


PS-please keep whatever it is you're smoking to yourself!!! this is some grim s****. can only come from an altered mind!

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I would do it. Drink driver or not, the may have family, children, people whose suffering could be alleviated. Nothing would change your own anger in this case, letting him die as "revenge" would just add to the list of poor judgements here.

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Ooooh, this is so difficult because of the emotional involvement. Dam you Danot!!! ;)

It'd be down to head V heart to see which one came out strongest at the time.

My head would be saying that I should give the driver my loved one's organs because who am I to deny anyone thier life? Plus I really believe that organ donation should be a given, they're no good to a dead person afterall.

However my heart would no doubt be feeling rather spiteful towards this person for doing what they did and would want the other person to suffer.

I think I'd eventually do the right thing and let the drunk driver have them but I would want him/her to know who the donor was.

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