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What happens when fake ID is taken away?

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why not just get the licence holder to go with the 15 year old and get it back from either the bar or the police station and tell them the young lass must have taken it without her consent? the lass will get a telling off no doubt but shes gonna have to take that on the chin im afraid. no one is gonna be able to say 100% what will happen next as each case is differant. i very much doubt it will be anything severe though. or just leave it and the girl will have to replace the licence?

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why not just get the licence holder to go with the 15 year old and get it back from either the bar or the police station and tell them the young lass must have taken it without her consent? the lass will get a telling off no doubt but shes gonna have to take that on the chin im afraid. no one is gonna be able to say 100% what will happen next as each case is differant. i very much doubt it will be anything severe though. or just leave it and the girl will have to replace the licence?


I think because it might become a theft case rather than a kid trying her luck for the 'first' time.

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Got to say though your tone is a bit abrupt you make sense sometimes..


Do you think it makes sense that an adult male who's never met the child decides she needs slapping and calls her a crack addict and a prostitute?

I just find that sickening.


As for upinwaths ridiculous rant - it's meaningless. The OP is actually an example of the law working as it should and keeping a child out of licensed premises. I don't recall anyone on here saying that she shouldn't have been challenged or that the fake ID should not have been confiscated.

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I think because it might become a theft case rather than a kid trying her luck for the 'first' time.


hmm yeah your probably right there.


i reckon the lass needs to go with the licence holder and they both need to take what evers coming on the chin to be honest, they have both acted a bit foolish and from the sounds of it but i doubt they will do it again in a hurry. it will probably be just a telling off.

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I know this fraud is wrong but I believe the fear now being faced by the 15 y/o girl is absolutely immense. I feel sorry to hear that she's been crying. I hope she and the ID holder will be alright and won't get fined!


Too right. Not nice seeing her cry I'm sure but she had no problems doing it in the first place. If knowing the difference between right and wrong isn't enough, then maybe fear of the consequences will suffice. And I bet she'll not do it again, will she?


Too many kids today do stuff without thinking about it. The thread about the kid burping in someones face made me angry, because if someone had reacted and given them a slap, it would be them that got in trouble not the kid.


In terms of balls-ups it's not a biggy, she'll get a slap on the wrist, a grilling from her parents, and might have to pay for a new license if they can't get it back.


Serves her right though.

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Too right. Not nice seeing her cry I'm sure but she had no problems doing it in the first place. If knowing the difference between right and wrong isn't enough, then maybe fear of the consequences will suffice. And I bet she'll not do it again, will she?


Too many kids today do stuff without thinking about it. The thread about the kid burping in someones face made me angry, because if someone had reacted and given them a slap, it would be them that got in trouble not the kid.


In terms of balls-ups it's not a biggy, she'll get a slap on the wrist, a grilling from her parents, and might have to pay for a new license if they can't get it back.


Serves her right though.


They always have! It's in the nature of children and teens that they aren't fully mature and don't always think things through, always has been always will be.

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Do you think it makes sense that an adult male who's never met the child decides she needs slapping and calls her a crack addict and a prostitute?

I just find that sickening.


Well seeing as my post was in reply to the preceding one and not the one your highlighting I'll say no (but)* although a smack would be a sound idea.


*A 15 year old prostitute is a reality sadly so it's not entirely beyond belief is it, drugs are related to the profession so once again it is a possibility. We have no way of knowing if this is the only time she's played this stupid game with drink or whether she makes a habit of it and got caught for once.

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I have a few more details now.


We met this girl at a child bereavement group, where she is getting counselling for grief following the death of a beloved grandparent. She has also been bullied at school, and is very depressed.


This outing was conceived by an older cousin, who wanted to give her a treat to cheer her up by taking her dancing, whilst safely under her supervision. They had discussed it beforehand and had agreed that she would drink 2 wkds and no more as neither wanted to be drunk or ill. The older cousin borrowed a provisional driving licence from an 18 year old friend.


It was her first time ever in town at night, and was something she had wanted to do after hearing the "cool" kids talking about how often they went clubbing and how easy it is to do with fake ids.


She is very upset, and possibly even considering suicide as a way out of her problems. Her mum and dad have now been informed, and are understandably unhappy.


Her cousin actually gave a false name for the 15 year old, so she could walk away without any come back at all, if it wasn't for the fact that the 18 year old would lose her driving licence, so it is only her conscience that is making her go through with going to the police next week as required in order to get it returned.


I do feel very sorry for her, she has told me tales of how other children her age hang around the peace gardens and town centre at night drinking, she could have done that, but didn't think it was safe. Whilst I know it was reprehensible to do it at all, I actually think it was quite responsible to try and make her first outing safe by going with an older cousin and by agreeing limits to her drinking in advance.


Anyway it is up to her parents now, but I would still be interested in knowing the outcome if anyone else has had this happen to them recently.

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*A 15 year old prostitute is a reality sadly so it's not entirely beyond belief is it, drugs are related to the profession so once again it is a possibility. We have no way of knowing if this is the only time she's played this stupid game with drink or whether she makes a habit of it and got caught for once.


No, it's not entirely beyond belief, but it's the way that upinwath jumps straight in with a notion like that, when there is absolutely zero suggestion of it in the OP, that faintly nauseates me.


Edit - and having read the above perhaps our mysogynistic chum might feel ever so slightly ashamed of wanting to slap the child and call her a crack whore when he knew nothing at all about her.

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