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What happens when fake ID is taken away?

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As it seems the girl gave a false name there won’t be any further comeback, the holder of the licence reports it missing to the DVLA and pays for a new one, the 15 year old reimburses her and gives her a bit more for all the hazel …………… job sorted.



I can see where upinwath is coming from, even if he is a bit OTT, when my son was that age he had a girlfriend that smoked and went clubbing both with the blessing of her mother ……… needless to say he wasn’t with her for very long.

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Either way its “missing”, the 15 year old gave a false name …………. That seems to be the end of it to me.


It sounds like you're suggesting that they pervert the course of justice in order to avoid what is, most likely, going to be at worst a police caution for using a false ID.


Perverting the course of justice could land someone in jail for anything up to twenty years!

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Bouncer probably lobbed it in the bin or sold it. Your best bet probably just to phone the bar, be honest and explain the situation if on the off chance the bouncer handed it in.


Id also recommend her father gives her a good hiding for causing this mess.

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She isn't planning on doing anything other than what she was told to do, which is to present herself at the police station on Monday, along with her cousin and the girl whose licence she borrowed. (Are police stations open on bank holidays?)


I would still like to know if anyone has recent experience of this so that we can tell her what to expect to happen at the police station. A few people have said that ids are taken off young people regularly, so surely someone must have experienced this?

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