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What happens when fake ID is taken away?

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I know this fraud is wrong but I believe the fear now being faced by the 15 y/o girl is absolutely immense. I feel sorry to hear that she's been crying. I hope she and the ID holder will be alright and won't get fined!


I'm a 19 y/o man that I'm easily ****** off by the process of Challenge. I know those securities generally adopt Challenge 21 and I fully understand the reasons and how it works.


Every nightout I get asked to see my ID (Challenge), OK! But I often see groups of girls who apparently don't look over 20 not being challenged. I'm sick to see such unfairness! I'm not a White Caucasian. I can't forget that one night I was going out with 2 English friends (one is 3months older and another is 7months younger than me). We three were walking into the bar closely in a quick pace, and only me was stopped by the security. My friends didn't get stopped+challenged and they didn't know I was stopped+challenged cos they walked too quick and didn't look behind. The security who did it is a Black man. So, this scenario reflects that the security thinks my friends are older than me and aged 21 or up. The friend younger than me was 18 that time! So, he thinks I'm younger than 18?? I really hate being seen as 17 or younger! I've already turned 18 for 678 days! Does he really think my friends are aged 21 or up?? On my 22nd birthday would I also get challenged while going to the bar?


In this forum someone have told that securities ocassionally don't challenge girls who look pretty enough that someone said they have friends who're 16 successfully entered the club.


My friend who've been to Ibiza for holiday when he was 18, went to the drinking venues there for over 10 times and never got his ID checked. If the UK wants to be more strict then why not implement Challenge 100 that everybody get challenged?



I have to disagree with you on some of the things you say....

Im a 23 year old female, i wouldnt say im perfect but i wouldnt say im ugly either and 9 times out of 10 i get asked for I'D. I dont look under 18, i know i dont, but i may look under 21. The challenge policy is under 21, in some bars, its over 25.

Many bouncers like to pick and choose who they id. Like you, ive been out in groups and theyve only picked me out to i'd and on other nights ive not been asked and a couple of my friends have.....its just the way the cookie crumbles. I wouldnt take offence to it, when you get to 23 and your still getting asked, it becomes more of a compliment then something of offence. But dont think its because your male because trust me the girls get it just as much :)

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This may assist



Section 25 - Possession of false identity documents


(1) It is an offence for a person with the requisite intention to have in his

possession or under his control


(a) an identity document that is false and that he knows or believes to be



(b) an identity document that was improperly obtained and that he knows

or believes to have been improperly obtained


© an identity document that relates to someone else.

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Post # 4 and #16... calling it 'fraud' is a bit much. Ok so it's not right but the owner of the license agreed to lend it the 15 y/o, it's not as if she stole it to impersonate someone else


Errr... she took it to impersonate someone else.


It's identity fraud. And quite rightly the bar have handed it to the Police.


This is serious. It's called fraud because it is.... fraud. Had the girl been let in and served, and there was a Police raid, then the bar would have been fined, the bar staff fined, disciplined etc.

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She isn't planning on doing anything other than what she was told to do, which is to present herself at the police station on Monday, along with her cousin and the girl whose licence she borrowed. (Are police stations open on bank holidays?)


I would still like to know if anyone has recent experience of this so that we can tell her what to expect to happen at the police station. A few people have said that ids are taken off young people regularly, so surely someone must have experienced this?


I wouldn't worry if I was the girl who borrowed the licence. She is only 15 and will be just let off with a warning, I would have thought. However, the girl who gave her the licence is an adult and she was helping a 15 year old get into a club and, I would have thought, but alcohol. That is a lot more serious.

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No you dont, you just think you do. Change your tablets.

What authority do they have to take it from her anyway. ?

I remember in the late 90's bouncers taking passports an other forms of id from people and flogging them. :suspect:

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