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Help needed for tinnitus

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There's quite a lot of info on the web. I'll tell you what I can remember off-hand...


Do you have any idea what caused your tinnitus?


I work in live music and started to notice some tinnitus a few years ago. I invested in some ER15 custom moulded earplugs from a company called advanced hearing solutions which are great and prevent any more damage.


Smoking, drinking and tiredness can all make it worse (I definately notice it with drinking!)


I think you can be tested to discover which frequencies are ringing and then some companies make headphones that will play those same frequencies, out of phase, thus cancelling out your ringing. Can't help all the time but at least maybe help you get to sleep or just for some respite.


Lastly, I know for me, focussing on the problem made it 100 times worse. I still go through phases where it seems to be getting worse but if you can take your mind off it, it gets better.


Defo get some medical advice. Constant tinnitus can be very tiring and depressing.


Good luck :)

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Lastly, I know for me, focussing on the problem made it 100 times worse. I still go through phases where it seems to be getting worse but if you can take your mind off it, it gets better.


Just thinking about it and typing my answer about it above have made mine come back hundreds of times more noticeable than it was earlier on! That shows how good I'd got at not paying attention to it, doesn't it?


I think I'm just going to have to ignore this thread from now on ;)

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Just thinking about it and typing my answer about it above have made mine come back hundreds of times more noticeable than it was earlier on! That shows how good I'd got at not paying attention to it, doesn't it?


I think I'm just going to have to ignore this thread from now on ;)


Sorry about that, lol.

Thanks for the help.

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I suffer with tinnitus in my left ear and have done for about 3 years.

It all started after spending a night in a club stood next to the speaker system!!


I use white noise from my headphone set to help me sleep. Its works for me and is alot more soothing than the high pitched tone.

You can download white noise or invariably buy a cheap radio and tune it out.


It does become manageable and you will learn to tune out. I dont notice it during the day, although i can hear it now whilst im thinking about it!


Good luck and let us know how you get on

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I suffer with tinnitus in my left ear and have done for about 3 years.

It all started after spending a night in a club stood next to the speaker system!!


I use white noise from my headphone set to help me sleep. Its works for me and is alot more soothing than the high pitched tone.

You can download white noise or invariably buy a cheap radio and tune it out.


It does become manageable and you will learn to tune out. I dont notice it during the day, although i can hear it now whilst im thinking about it!


Good luck and let us know how you get on


Thanks Pooley, i will let you know if i get it under control, also if anyone else finds a 'new' way of dealing with it let us know. :)

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Quote from an article in New Scientist -


"Nobody knows what causes tinnitus or how to treat it effectively"


Oh dear. There's perhaps less that can be done than I thought.


I definately think it's partly psychosomatic (not that that makes it any easier to live with!)


But as I said, when I first noticed it, it really scared me and seemed awful. Such a horrible thought that you'll never hear silence again. But I found that it seemed to fade after I got used to it and now most days it's hardly noticeable.


Do make sure you're not doing anything to make it worse though, like loud ipod/phone, lots of gigs/clubs. If you like to do those things accept that you'll need to wear earplugs to stop things getting worse

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