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GMO Food is killing us!

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Do you know what teratogenic means?


Birth defects ect....


Is what I meant by it would be less obvious is that if GMO food was just killing people as soon as they ate it then that would be stupid of them.


Now stop assuming that I am a Brainless Fruitcake and ask some real questions.

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A major new scientific study has confirmed growing conviction that the world’s most widely used chemical herbicide, Monsanto Corporation’s Roundup is toxic and a danger to human as well as animal organisms. The latest scientific research carried out by a multinational scientific team headed by Professor Andrés Carrasco, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Embryology at the University of Buenos Aires Medical School and member of Argentina’s National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, presents alarming demonstration that Monsanto and the GMO agribusiness industry have systematically lied about the safety of their Roundup. Roundup in far lower concentrations than used in agriculture is linked to birth defects. The health implications are huge. All major GMO crops on the market today are genetically manipulated to “tolerate” the herbicide Roundup.


Explains a lot,

However, recent research in the US has shown atrazine has serious effects on frogs’ sexual development. The research has found that atrazine at levels often found in the environment demasculinises tadpoles and turns them into hermaphrodites, with males having ovaries in their testes and much smaller vocal organs, and with ten times lower levels of testosterone than normal male frogs( 56). The herbicide apparently modifies the steroid hormone balance in frogs at a sensitive time in their development(57). Researchers are now testing native leopard frogs from the American Mid-West with similar problems to determine whether the changes are due to atrazine( 58 ). This research raises concern for all aquatic life that swims and breeds in atrazine-contaminated field runoff.



Wonder who eats GM on here.:hihi:

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Birth defects ect....


Specifically, it means that a substance is harmful if ingested by the foetus.


How many expectant mothers do you know who make a habit of injecting their own unborn babies with weedkiller? If you do know any, you should warn them that it can be dangerous. Otherwise, this thread is devoid of content.

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