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US to use armed drones in Libya

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Expect more dead women and children (in the guise of 'helping' the civilians).




Armed US Predator drones are to carry out missions over Libya, Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said.


Mr Gates said their use had been authorised by President Barack Obama and would give "precision capability" to the military operation.


Unmanned US drones are already used to target militants along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.


Libyan rebels have been battling Col Gaddafi's troops since February but have recently made little headway.


"President Obama has said that where we have some unique capabilities, he is willing to use those," Mr Gates told a news conference.


He said two Predators were being made available to Nato as needed, and marked a "modest contribution" to the military operations.


But Libya's deputy foreign minister warned that they would cause more civilian casualties and would not change the outcome of the conflict in Libya.


"They [drones] will kill more civilians and this is very sad," Khaled Khaim told the BBC. "It's for the Libyans to choose their destiny - not by sending more weapons or more airstrikes, or more money and weapons to the rebels."


Mr Gates denied that the drone deployment was evidence of "mission creep" in Libya and said there were still no plans to put US "boots on the ground" in Libya.



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So you prefer to see dead civilians rather than anyone else ?


Here's the choice. Either Ghadaffi's forces go on killing civilians or a slight chance that drones may kill a few civilians or may not kill any civilians at all. What's it to be?

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