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Landlords should have their benefits cut. Abolish housing benefit

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you pay what the rate is for the property, whether its housing benefit or a worker, the landlord (in most cases) says right this is what the rent is, they DONT drop the rent just because you dont get housing benefit, would be ok for us workers mind


im just slightly about minimum wage, i get about £830 a month, my rents about £350, then theres council tax


thats where most of my wage goes, it wouldnt go up or down if i was on housing benefit (apart from i wouldnt pay it)......but if it was cut then id have to pay some out to make the difference up


Your rent will not fall below the level of housing benefit.


The property is only worth what someone will pay.


An unemployed man with 50 JSA and 100 HB pays 100 in rent.


Workers must pay 100 or more, as the unemployed are forced to spend how ever much HB is on the rent.


Without HB he could decide how much to spend on rent. And he wouldn't want to pay more.


Landlords would not get as much money, as the HB system would not guarantee it. Your rent would fall.

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Mel, if people couldn't pay the rent prices then the house would sit empty until landlords started to drop the prices. They base them now on what housing benefits will pay. Without a base price, rents might drop. I think this is what chem1st is saying.


houses DO sit empty, tho i dont think its got anything to do with housing benefit at all, this is the second thread at least hes done on the subject and its complete and utter ********


ive been in houses both on housing benefit and in work by the way


i know some unscrupolous landlords try to get as much as they can for a property via housing benefit, it simply doesnt make sense to go the other way

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Mel, if people couldn't pay the rent prices then the house would sit empty until landlords started to drop the prices. They base them now on what housing benefits will pay. Without a base price, rents might drop. I think this is what chem1st is saying.


Exactly, so currently we are all being robbed.


We need to rise up and end this evil system before our rents become higher than our wages.

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Exactly, so currently we are all being robbed.


We need to rise up and end this evil system before our rents become higher than our wages.




indeed i believe we should, but its nothing to do with housing benefits. infact if i remember rightly housing benefit is now set at a certain level so if you live in a more expensive home you need to pay more yourself?

before you could get benefit if it was £200 a week or £1000???

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Yes there are caps for each house size now and number of occupants. A single person in a 2 bed house can only claim 1 bed flat rate for example. The rest would have to be paid out of their jsa.

which as i said DOES put a strain on people with not much, but in chenists proposal would push things dangerously as i dont believe what he said would happen would

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It kind of makes sense to me, a claimant now gets £50 to live, £100 for rent. They are willing to hand the full rent amount over. Give them £150 to spend as they wish, and they'll obviously want more to live and spend less on rent. However, if it would work as chemist said, i don't know.

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It kind of makes sense to me, a claimant now gets £50 to live, £100 for rent. They are willing to hand the full rent amount over. Give them £150 to spend as they wish, and they'll obviously want more to live and spend less on rent. However, if it would work as chemist said, i don't know.

but they wouldnt spend less on rent, theyd still pay whatever the rent was for the property and if housing benefit was cut youd just have to pay the full whack, if they gave you the cash to pay it then nothing has changed?? its just like fiddling the books, changing the goalposts


if you want to pay less for a property you move to a house that costs less, thats the only way

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But if someone is only willing to pay out £200 per month maximum for a flat, and everyone was only willing to pay this, then in theory the £300 flats would have to be dropped or the landlord loses money while its empty...in theory it does make sense but probably wouldn't happen.

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